
Why do people put their washer and dryer in the garage?

Why do people put their washer and dryer in the garage?

You are considering a project to move your washer and dryer into the garage. It also optimizes space by making use of the available space in your garage. A well-planned and organized laundry area in a garage will also be convenient for your daily needs.

Where is the best place to put a washer and dryer?

Good locations include inside the kitchen or bathroom or directly next to one of those rooms. It will also be easier to route plumbing this way. Buildings usually stack the wet zones in a vertical line. Putting a washer and dryer in your bedroom closet wouldn’t be permitted even if there’s room for one.

What room should a washing machine be in?

The bathroom is the obvious choice for the washing machine – the plumbing and electrical points are already in place. If you have only the washer, put it under the washbasin counter on one side – this way you still have place for drawers.

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Is it OK to put a washer and dryer in the garage?

Sometimes the garage is the best place for your washer and dryer. Generally, there is no problem with installing your washing machine in the garage. In fact, the concrete floor is perfectly suited to an appliance that may leak a little water here and there.

Is it OK to store a washer and dryer in the garage?

Whether you’re storing your appliances in a storage unit or your garage, it’s a good idea to place them on wooden pallets to prevent condensation from forming. If you live in a place with high humidity, you’ll want to avoid putting your appliances in a storage unit that is not climate-controlled.

Can a washer and dryer go anywhere in the house?

Utility Considerations Stackable washers and dryers typically are sold as a single, compact unit that fits into very small spaces. Although you theoretically could place it anywhere in your home, it still must be in an area with the required utility hookups and ventilation capabilities.

Is it ideal to put washing machine in the kitchen?

In the Kitchen Simply put, there is just not enough space. In such cases, it is ideal to fit your laundry machines in the kitchen itself. Not only is it the center of all the activity, but you can also multitask easily. This includes keeping an eye on your dish and folding your washed clothes simultaneously.

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Why is it that the washing machine should not be placed close to the wall?

Washers. Washers usually require distance from the wall because they attach to inlet hoses and possess outlet hoses that extend from the back of the unit.

How much clearance is needed around a washing machine?

It’s recommended that there’s at least one inch of space around a washer or dryer to allow for proper air circulation. This space also helps minimize noise transfer.

How much does it cost to put washer and dryer in garage?

The cost to move your washer and dryer to the garage or basement is usually between $1,060 and $4,475. This covers installing the hookups, putting in a new drain line, installing a dryer vent, and adding an outlet.

How much space should you leave behind a washer and dryer?

Moreover, you need extra space to enable ventilation and some room for the hoses that bring water to the washer. It’s best to leave around six inches behind the washer and dryer units for these connections to function properly. There are some ways to save up on space if your bathroom or laundry room is really small.

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Should your washer and dryer be near the kitchen?

So locating the washer and dryer near the kitchen makes sense. That way if you’re cooking, cleaning, watching TV or helping your kids do homework, you’re within earshot of that dryer buzzer and can quickly stay on top of the loads. “You do it where people live, so you can actually use it,” Padvaiskas says.

Can I use my washer and dryer at the same time?

Whether you can use your washer and dryer at the same time will depend on the washer and dryer models you own. In most cases, the answer is yes. If you have a traditional washer and dryer that sit side-by-side, you can run them at the same time because the dryer generally uses a separate electrical circuit than the washing machine.

Can you put a dryer in a small bathroom?

There are some ways to save up on space if your bathroom or laundry room is really small. For one, you could install a periscope dryer vent behind the dryer. The vent makes it easier for the air behind the dryer to circulate, so you can push the unit closer to the wall.