
Why do people say forgive but never forget?

Why do people say forgive but never forget?

Originally Answered: Why do people say forgive but never forget? If you forgive someone for a thing they did to you that was bad, the next step for a lot of them is to try to make you forget about it. They don’t want to have you even think about it when you’re with them.

Can you truly forgive if you don’t forget?

There is great value in mastering the skill of forgiving but not forgetting. Taking good care of ourselves requires regular forgiveness of others. Remember, we do it for us, not for them. And we don’t obsess, but we don’t forget, either, so we can take the valuable life lessons with us.

How do you forgive when you cant forget?

1. Let it go and forgive: “The first step in moving on is wanting to forgive and let go of any wrongdoing that has been done onto you. When you let it go and you forgive the one who has done you wrong, you’re doing it for yourself, not the one who has hurt you.

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What does forgive but never forget mean?

Forgive, but never Forget. Forgiveness is a process and it may take a long time, some even take forever before the resentment and the anger subsides. Forgiveness means that you choose not to punish that person because of what that person has done to you. But giving forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to forget.

What if you cant forgive?

Practice empathy.

  • Ask yourself why he or she would behave in such a way.
  • Reflect on times you’ve hurt others and on those who’ve forgiven you.
  • Write in a journal,pray or use guided meditation – or talk with a person you’ve found to be wise and compassionate,such as a spiritual leader,a mental health
  • What do you need to know about forgive and forget?

    4 Ways to Truly Forgive and Forget Uncover. Be honest with yourself about your anger and hurt, and assess the full damage the injustice has caused in your life. Decide. You must make the conscious decision to forgive your injurers, as Enright calls them, and give up any vengeful behaviors on your part. Work. Discover.