Why do some URLs not work without www?

Why do some URLs not work without www?

In the case of Web sites that happen to work without the “www” prefix, it simply means that the administrator has decided that if there is no prefix, the IP address returned should be the IP address for the Web server. For more information, check out the links on the next page.

Is it necessary to type www at the beginning of a URL?

It’s actually not necessary to use WWW in URLs. It exists for just one purpose – to identify the address as a website. This is not the case with other important URL signifiers, such as a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server (ftp) or news server (news). As such, WWW may be classified as a subdomain of a larger website.

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Why does my website only work without www?

(e.g. mysite.com) but not with www.mysite.com altogether, most likely you need to check your DNS zone settings to see if you have an A record for www. entry of your domain. The A record should point to the same IP as your default main domain.

Are there websites that don’t start with www?

It’s because the “www.” is part of the DNS name that resolves to their web server’s addresses. The ones that don’t have “www.” don’t have it as part of their DNS name. is that means “google.com” and “www.google.com” are not the same??

How do I redirect a website without www to www?


  1. Log in to Cloudflare and select the site where you want to put the redirection.
  2. Go to the Page Rules tab and create a new rule.
  3. Enter the URL and select setting as “Forwarding URL”
  4. Select the status code (301 if you want it permanently)
  5. Enter the target where you want to redirect.
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What’s the difference between www and non-www?

A non-www domain is usually referred to as a naked domain. And, www domains can act as a hostname and can have several subdomains attached to it. So, from a practical perspective, there is no difference whatsoever between a www and a non-www URL. It is just a personal or brand preference.

Do websites still use www?

WWW is so twentieth century. Many webmasters have seen the light and are now dropping “www” from their websites. Not just small sites, but some of the largest, most popular websites have gotten rid of “www” in their URLs. Expect more notable websites to drop WWW from their URLs in the coming years.

Is www still needed?

The Impact on SEO However, it doesn’t matter too much which you choose from an SEO point of view. It’s more about the branding and technical capabilities of your website. You should choose one as your preferred choice so that Google doesn’t treat them as two distinct websites.

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How do I point my domain without www?

Without the ‘www’, you must set your root (non-www) domain DNS A-record to point at your web server’s IP address. This can be too rigid if you encounter availability or performance issues; the A-record is fixed and can take a day or two for changes to propagate.

Do all domains start with www?

Most web addresses begin with “www” because of the traditional practice of naming a server according to the service it provides, in this case “World Wide Web”.

Should I enable non-www to redirect?

Redirecting requests from a non-preferred domain is important because search engines consider URLs with and without “www” as two different websites. It creates a duplicate entry, which is not suitable for SEO.