
Why do we prefer Underdamped system in control?

Why do we prefer Underdamped system in control?

We prefer underdamped bcoz the settling time is low and damping factor 0.7 coz for values greater than 0.7 peak overshoot comes into picture whose magnitude is higher than steadystate value and undesirable. In other example think in a temperature control, where the overshoot burns the material.

Which type of damping is preferred in control system?

underdamped system
Detailed Solution. The best type of damping in a control system is an underdamped system. For a perfect stable system, the damping ratio has to be 1. (Critically Damped System).

What is Overdamped in control system?

When ζ > 1, the system is said to be overdamped. Where the value of s is real and the result is the sum of two decaying exponentials and no oscillation occurs. When ζ = 1, the system is said to be critically damped.

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What is underdamped system?

An underdamped system moves quickly to equilibrium, but will oscillate about the equilibrium point as it does so. A critically damped system moves as quickly as possible toward equilibrium without oscillating about the equilibrium.

What is an Underdamped system?

What does Overdamped mean?

: to damp in excess use of a high sensitivity galvanometer greatly overdamped — Physical Review.

What do you mean by Overdamped and Underdamped system in control system?

This case is called overdamped. Commonly, the mass tends to overshoot its starting position, and then return, overshooting again. With each overshoot, some energy in the system is dissipated, and the oscillations die towards zero. This case is called underdamped.

What is the difference between underdamped system and critically damped system?

In underdamped system, the vibrations occur but amplitude goes on reducing with time and in the end body stops vibrating. In critically damped system, there is minimum required damping so as to avoid vibrations. In this system, vibrations do not occur.

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What type of damping system is best for my system?

Answer: Underdamped systems are the most practical and most commonly used. The main reason is they will ensure the system always reaches the desired end state with some overshoot. Even though there is overshoot the damping eventually brings the system to the desired state.

How do you find the solution of an underdamped system?

The solution of an underdamped system can be found using Eq. ( 5.54 ). In order to better formulate the solution, we define the damping ratio ( ζ) as Using Eq. ( 5.54) and the previous definitions for damping ratio and natural frequency, it can easily be shown that

What are some examples of systems that don’t want to be underdamped?

The torsional vibration of an IC engine driven machine train is an example of such a system. It does not “want to be underdamped,” it simply is underdamped but it functions anyway. A diving board/diver system is underdamped. Otherwise, the diver might just as well dive from the edge of the pool.