
Why does matter bend space?

Why does matter bend space?

When a smaller mass passes near a larger mass, it curves toward the larger mass because spacetime itself is curved toward the larger mass. The smaller mass is not “attracted” to the larger mass by any force. The smaller mass simply follows the structure of curved spacetime near the larger mass.

How does space Tell matter to move?

In this sense matter tells space how to curve. If another mass comes along, this second mass can not travel past the first mass in a straight line but has to follow the curvature of space created by the first mass. In this sense space tells matter how to move.

Is space the same as matter?

Based on elementary fermions (mass, volume, and space) A common or traditional definition of matter is “anything that has mass and volume (occupies space)”. For example, a car would be said to be made of matter, as it has mass and volume (occupies space).

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Can you bend space?

“We know that space can be bent. If space can be bent by, say, gravity, then spacetime can be bent,” Beacham said. To clarify, space is the three-dimensional body in which all things in the universe move. If spacetime can be bent, Beacham continued, it’s theoretically possible that time can be bent.

Why is it we say astronauts are weightless in space?

Earth-orbiting astronauts are weightless for the same reasons that riders of a free-falling amusement park ride or a free-falling elevator are weightless. They are weightless because there is no external contact force pushing or pulling upon their body. In each case, gravity is the only force acting upon their body.

How does matter and energy bend space-time?

Since matter carries energy (via Einstein’s famous relation that energy is mass times the speed of light squared), such objects will have a gravitational field and so they will distort space-time. So one way in which a charge or a magnet will distort space-time is by virtue of its matter.

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What is space matter?

Outer space is not completely empty—it is a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

Does matter create space?

No. General relativity tells us that what we call space is just another feature of the gravitational field of the universe, so space and space-time can and do not exist apart from the matter and energy that creates the gravitational field. …

How did Guy bend space?

Naruto by a longshot. Guy was fast but the reason he could bend space time is because he increased his mass. Naruto on the other hand can move and react at the speed of light. Take for example when madara used the Sage art: Storm release light fang.

Why do people float in space?

If 90 percent of Earth’s gravity reaches the space station, then why do astronauts float there? The answer is because they are in free fall. In a vacuum, gravity causes all objects to fall at the same rate. Since they are all falling together, the crew and objects appear to float when compared with the spacecraft.

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Does Matter take up space and mass?

Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Taking up space means that an object has a measurable volume. Mass indicates how much force is required to move the object. Variations of matter include classical matter and dark matter.

How does mass curve space?

The spacetime curvature around any massive object is determined by the combination of mass and distance from the center-of-mass. Other concerns, like velocity, acceleration, and other sources of energy, must be factored in.T. Matter tells space how to curve, and curved space tells matter how to move.

How does mass bend spacetime?

Einstein’s equations describe behaviour of other mass in terms of space and time in presence of mass. This behaviour is mathematically similar to placing mass in a spacetime fabric which is bent by weight of mass. So there is no actual bending of spacetime fabric. It is just that it follows similar mathatical equations.