Tips and tricks

Why does movie footage look different?

Why does movie footage look different?

Chances are you have an LCD TV or similar, and what you’re experiencing is called the “soap opera effect”. It’s actually a function of the motion smoothing or motion compensation functions, and relates to how your television processes the signals due to frame rate differences.

Why do iPhone pictures look better than DSLR?

As a general rule, mobile phones are not able to capture higher-quality images than a DSLR. But many photographers believe their images taken on a mobile phone look better because the phone automatically adds contrast, saturation, skin softening, and background blur.

What iPhone is best for making videos?

Shooting Video From a video standpoint, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is the best video you’re going to get from an iPhone. Just like the rest of the iPhone 12 series, you can capture video in Dolby Vision HDR; this video format allows you to capture a wider dynamic range, which can result in better color accuracy and detail.

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Why do new TVs make movies look fake?

LED/LCD TVs often have these motion features due to the panel technology’s traditional problems with motion blur. If your set is a 120Hz or 240Hz one, it adds faux frames to source content if motion-smoothing settings are turned on.

Is iPhone good for video recording?

Your iPhone can record at 720p, 1080p and 4K. For the absolute best video image quality, 4K resolution is the best choice. If you don’t care about quality as much and are more focused on how much room on your phone videos will take up, try dropping your resolution down to 1080p or even 720p.

Is a digital camera better for actions shots than an iPhone?

While there are some manual camera apps for iPhone that can replicate some of what a dedicated digital camera can do, here’s five reasons why a digital camera is way better for actions shots. iPhone camera sensors are great, but just due to the design’s nature, they are small and can only be so good.

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Do you really need a smartphone camera for photography?

Most of us have iPhones, or other smartphones, which have a powerful built-in camera. Especially if you have something like the iPhone 11 Pro, with Ultra Wide lenses and Night mode, you may think that it’s all you need for photography (and the iPhone 12 is sure to bring even more camera replacements).

Why do people use smartphones instead of cameras?

With the higher megapixels and resolution of digital cameras, as well as the ability to shoot purely in RAW (uncompressed), you can print larger prints without noticing a loss in image quality. Who uses a smartphone camera? Pretty much everyone.

Is a digital camera better than an iPhone for wildlife photography?

If you’re heading into the bush, the park, or out to the lake hoping to grab some cute photos of the wild critters around you, a digital camera is better than an iPhone for a lot of the same reasons that action shots are better on a digital camera.