Tips and tricks

Why does my ex still have an effect on me?

Why does my ex still have an effect on me?

Perpetua Neo, a therapist and psychologist, said your past relationships can affect your new ones because of something called “repetition compulsion.” “You’re trying to fix something from your past,” she said. “Sometimes we feel compelled to fix a mistake in a relationship earlier in life.

How do you tell if my ex still has feelings for me?

Signs Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You

  1. They keep texting or calling you.
  2. They follow you on social media.
  3. They don’t return your stuff.
  4. They contact your friends, or their friends contact you.
  5. They cross your path.
  6. They get jealous or want to make you feel jealous.
  7. They are not moving on.

Is my ex over caring for me?

It is possible that your ex is not over caring for you. His/her cold, mean and cruel behaviour is his/her way of trying to deal with the feelings s/he still has but does not want to feel. You can usually tell an ex is dealing with conflicted feelings by how they go back and forth. One day they are so loving and kind and the next mean and cruel.

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Does my ex still have feelings for me?

Subtle signs your ex still loves you! Sometimes it’s not so blatantly obvious whether or not your ex still has feelings for you, but there are still some indicators that can help you figure out what’s going on. If you see a few of these indicators happening at the same time, your ex most likely still loves you.

Should I Leave my Ex for being mean and cruel?

It depends. If this is your ex just being their usual mean and cruel self, it may be best for your own good to move away from the emotional abuse. But if your ex is a kind and caring person who would never act mean or cruel unless forced to, then you need to look at yourself.

Is your ex still angry with you after a breakup?

The end of a relationship can bring on confusion, sadness, and resentment, among other complicated emotions, and both parties are entitled to whatever feelings they’re experiencing. If you suspect that your former partner may still harbor some hard feelings, you can look out for some common signs your ex is still angry with you.