
Why does the needle of the magnetic compass always points in the north direction how is it useful to a sailor?

Why does the needle of the magnetic compass always points in the north direction how is it useful to a sailor?

The magnetic compass was an important advance in navigation because it allowed mariners to determine their direction even if clouds obscured their usual astronomical cues such as the North Star. It uses a magnetic needle that can turn freely so that it always points to the north pole of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Why does a compass needle always point north and not always balanced parallel to the earth’s surface explain?

explain. the earth’s magnetic field is not always parallel to the surface of the earth-it may have a component perpindicular to the earths surface. the compass will tend to line up with the local direction of the magnetic field, so one end if the compass will dip downward.

Why does the needle of a compass point south?

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When it comes to magnets, opposites attract. This fact means that the north end of a magnet in a compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole, which lies close to the geographic north pole. The earth spins around the geographic poles, but magnetic compasses point to the magnetic poles.

Why does a compass needle get deflected?

The compass needle itself is a tiny magnet. When a bar magnet is brought near it, the bar magnet exerts its magnetic force on the compass needle. Hence, it gets deflected.

Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a bar magnet?

A compass needle gets deflected when brought near a bar magnet because a magnetic compass can be considered as a pole, and the magnet creates a field. So there is a change in direction or magnitude, and it deflects near a bar magnet.

Why does a compass point north in the southern hemisphere?

A compass is a magnetic dipole. It will line up with the local magnetic field, which if it is only the Earth’s magnetic field, means the south pole of the compass will point toward the magnetic South of the Earth and the north pole of the compass will point generally toward the North magnetic pole of the Earth.

Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a current carrying conductor?

When a magnetic needle is brought closer to a current carrying conductor then the magnetic needle it gets deflected because the magnetic field of the current carrying conductor exerts a force on the magnetic needle, making it move from one direction to the other.

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What happens to the direction of the compass needle if the direction of the current is reversed?

If the direction of the current is reversed, the compass needle will move in the opposite direction because the polarity of the magnetic field has reversed.

What happens when a compass needle is brought near a conductor?

When a magnetic needle is brought closer to a current-carrying conductor then the magnetic needle it gets deflected because the magnetic field of the current-carrying conductor exerts a force on the magnetic needle, making it move from one direction to the other.

What does the deflection of a compass needle show?

The magnetic needle will show deflection when circuit is complete. The deflection ofmagnetic needle shows that the solution is a good conductor.

What feature of the Earth makes a compass needle point north?

A compass always points north because Earth’s iron core creates a magnetic field that attracts the compass needle to the North Pole. However, a compass doesn’t point directly to the North Pole; Earth’s magnetic field is a little offset. This deviation from true north is called declination.

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Why does a compass always points to the north?

The earth’s magnetic field causes a compass to point north, as compasses are powered by magnets. The magnets inside compasses are drawn to the magnetic North Pole, which is about 1,000 miles south of the actual North Pole. Therefore, even though a compass always points north, it does not always point toward the true north.

Why would a compass change from pointing north to South?

If the needle becomes sluggish and slow to settle (it may appear to stick and be out of balance) it has become partially reversed. If the ‘north’ arrow (usually red) is pointing to south instead of north, then your compass has become completely reversed.

Why is a magnetic needle used in a compass?

The magnetic compass was an important advance in navigation because it allowed mariners to determine their direction even if clouds obscured their usual astronomical cues such as the North Star. It uses a magnetic needle that can turn freely so that it always points to the north pole of the Earth’s magnetic field.