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Why INTJs are misunderstood?

Why INTJs are misunderstood?

INFJs often feel misunderstood. Perhaps it’s because they’re quiet and reserved and tend to share their deepest thoughts and feelings only with select people. Or maybe it’s because they are so rare—personality test research shows they make up less than 1\% of the population.

Are INTJs intimidating?

INTJs can definitely be intimidating to others, which is mostly tied to their vast internal knowledge. They can be rather intimidating with their desire to be accurate and to amass a large amount of information. INTJs intelligence alone can cause others to feel a bit nervous around them.

Are INTJs geeky?

INTJs love knowledge and enjoy diving into different ideas and information. Their constant need to research and learn about new things, is a big part of the INTJs geeky or nerdy side. INTJs might actually enjoy different online games, since they don’t have to interact with people unless they want to.

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Are intjs misunderstood?

If you’re an INTJ, you’ve most likely felt misunderstood or “different” for a good part of your life. You’re not wrong: INTJs in general make up just over 2 percent of the population, and female INTJs are even rarer (less than 1 percent of women are INTJ).

Is intintj a rare personality type?

INTJ personality type is one of the rarest in the Myers-Briggs classification. These contradictory traits may explain why this type is so misunderstood. The Myers-Briggs personality test is where you find out what kind of characteristics you have depending on different preferences.

What is the most misunderstood personality type?

(Perspectives/Effectiveness in the Genius System). That makes sense – these two types (the INFJ and the INTJ) are almost certainly the most misunderstood by both others and by themselves. I’d almost argue that INFJs are a little easier to understand.

What is an INTJ mastermind personality type?

Forming just 2\% of the population, The Mastermind is among the rarest personality types. Breathing a natural air of curiosity leads the INTJ on a journey of pursuing all knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge will propel the INTJ into the realm of theoretical thought and develop a passion for academia and debate.