Tips and tricks

Why is it important to keep doing what you love?

Why is it important to keep doing what you love?

Making time to do what you love can help you ease your stress, lift your mood, and expand your social circle. It can help you manage chronic pain. It may even improve your heart health and add quality years to your life.

Why do you love working?

Employees tell us why they love their job. “I feel that I am working with professionals that I can learn from and that they will push me to take on new and challenging opportunities.” “I am treated with respect, given daily encouragement, and paid well.” “I feel respected and valued for what I bring to the firm.

Should you do what you love or work at it?

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“You can work at getting good at something—you don’t have to be naturally skilled at it to excel. On the other hand, it’s much harder—although not impossible—to manufacture love for something just because you’re skilled.” Her point: Do what you love. But that’s the easy answer. The real answer to your internal conflict is a little more convoluted.

What gives you a reason to keep doing what you do?

If it really is something you’re passionate about there is a sense of being content with what you have accomplished during the work hours and beyond. The by-product of your work will be something you take pride in, and that will serve in giving you a reason to keep doing it.

Should you choose a career you love but don’t love?

No matter what, the good news is, “we’re not completely destined to be unhappy if we choose a career we’re good at but don’t love with all our hearts,” says Salemi. You might work for a kick-ass company or an awesome boss, she points out—a place that makes it easy to return to your nine to five even if you don’t love how you spend those hours.

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Is your passion your profession or your profession?

You’re at a crossroads, so to speak: Your passion is not your profession. And you’re not sure whether it should be. Hold tight and read on—we’re here to help. The ultimate goal is to love what you do and be good at it. But not all of us are lucky enough to find that precious balance early in our careers.