Tips and tricks

Why is Kota bad for students?

Why is Kota bad for students?

MUMBAI: Self-harm, substance abuse, bullying, sexual experimentation and the possibility of pregnancy, sleep-related issues, loneliness, weight loss, acidity and anxiety are common among students in Kota, the coaching class capital of Rajasthan famous for offering preparatory courses to IIT hopefuls, a report by the …

Is Kota stressful?

Since 2012, Kota has witnessed more than 60 suicides of students enrolled in various coaching centres. This explains the ubiquity of stress, thoughts of self-harm, substance abuse, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, anxiety, loss of weight, hopelessness and worthlessness etc., prevalent among the students in Kota.

Is Kota a good place to live?

It is the third-largest and most populous city after Jaipur and Jodhpur in Rajasthan. With the growing number of opportunities and for the rich diversity in culture, Kota is one of the best cities to live in. Well, in terms of the cost of living in Kota, it’s not that expensive nor that cheap.

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What is it like to study in the city of Kota?

Kota is a place which is very famous in terms of studies. Many students come here to study so that they can do something good in their life and I am one of them. Life in kota is not less than a war for a student. You have to compete with millions of students so that you can go ahead in the race.

What happens when you join a mess in Kota?

Food will no longer be a priority – The moment you join a mess in Kota, your special love towards food starts diminishing. In the name of good food, all you get to eat is pohas and jalebis, which are by the way available on almost every single shop and thela.

Should science students go to Kota to prepare for IIT/AIPMT?

The first thought which comes into the mind of every science student after giving his/her board exams is, ‘shall I go to Kota to prepare for IIT/AIPMT or not?’ Some have their answers as no, while for few others, it’s time to pack their suitcases and move out for the very first time.

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What is it like to meet girls in Kota?

In Kota… so many girls and the girls all around away from their parents and trust me, Some were very sexy. I was desperate. Later, I saw a girl from my school in the same coaching but in a different batch. I found her, and she wet my nights for many days, but I kept maintaining distance.