Why is my border collie disobedient?

Why is my border collie disobedient?

Active disobedience is when a Border Collie doesn’t come when called during an activity, whereby they find what they’re doing more interesting than anything the owner has to offer at that time. This is a training problem that should be dealt with immediately.

Are Border Collies stubborn dogs?

Border Collies are high energy and fun loving dogs that have the tendency to be stubborn and possessive. Like other herding breeds, border collies tend to be suspicious of people they don’t know, and they need to be introduced slowly to new people and situations.

How do I get my border collie to listen?

Tips to Help your Border Collie Listen and Learn Respect

  1. Play at your Border Collie puppy’s Level.
  2. Teach your Border Collie puppy you are the Pack Leader from the Beginning.
  3. Always Eat First.
  4. Keep Training Times Short.
  5. Start Training in a Familiar Area.
  6. Speak Firmly not Angrily.
  7. Reward your Border Collie after Training.
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How do I train my border collie to be recalled?

Come back dog! How to build your recall – my top tips

  1. DON’T: Use rubbish treats.
  2. DO: Be exciting!
  3. DON’T: Shout at your dog.
  4. DO: Run away from your dog.
  5. DON’T: Wait until the end of the walk to call them back.

Why are Border Collies so nervous?

Border Collies are in touch with their surroundings and reacting to visual cues, and as such they can easily become fearful and anxious due to this and other genetic factors.

Why do Border Collies turn aggressive?

Suffering with Physical Pain: Just like humans when a dog is in physical pain, they become aggressive because he might be under a lot of stress. Feeling Threatened: This is one of the most common aggression types in Border Collies and they generally show it towards people they don’t know or meeting for the first time.