
Why is my pleco not active?

Why is my pleco not active?

It might just be his personality then. Plecos aren’t too active unless spooked, stressed or eating from what I’ve seen in my pleco. i’ll cut how much I give him, if nothing changes I’ll give him away.

Why does my sucker fish hide all the time?

Most hide during the daytime to avoid predators or other contact with organisms in the environment. It is not at unusual for these fish to hide behind decorations or under rocks and plants in a tank for long periods. Many of these pets adapt to the household’s schedule; especially feeding times for the aquarium.

Why is my pleco hiding?

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Decoration/Habitat Plecos need hiding spots throughout the tank where they can stay during the day because they’re nocturnal. Hiding spots can be created using all sorts of aquarium decorations like caves, tunnels, dark pipes, wood, and artificial plants.

Do bottom feeders like to hide?

Behavior: Plecos are shy cave-dwelling fish. They are nocturnal so they hide in a cave or under a submerged log during the day and emerge to feed on plants and algae at night. Compatibility/Temperament: Plecos are mostly peaceful. They sometimes get into scrapes with other fish over their favorite hiding spot.

How long can a pleco go without eating?

Overview chart for individual fasting tolerances of popular freshwater fish

Type of fish: Period it can safely live with no food:
Plecos 10 to 14 days
Oscars up to 2 weeks
Swordtail fish maximum of 14 days
Corydora catfish up to 2 weeks

Why is my pleco out during the day?

Priobably because all the piranhas are hiding during the day. If you feed during the day and not at night it will force the Pleco to come out during the day to eat. If you feed during the day and not at night it will force the Pleco to come out during the day to eat.

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What is a sucker catfish?

Sucker fish or suckermouth catfish are the common names for bottom-feeding fish such as the common algae eaters, or plecostomus fish. They spend a lot of time in the aquarium sticking to the walls or the ornaments with their mouths. They are popular as pet fish as they help to keep the tank clean.

What happens if a sucker fish jumps out of the tank?

If you find your sucker fish has jumped the tank, place him back in the water to recover; they can live short periods of time without water. Plecos are often ignored by their tank mates, but occasionally an aggressive fish will bully a sucker fish.

Do sucker fish eat dead fish?

They spend a lot of time in the aquarium sticking to the walls or the ornaments with their mouths. They are popular as pet fish as they help to keep the tank clean. They will also eat any dead fish. The misconception is that the sucker fish will get all of the food it needs from the natural algae build up in the tank.

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Can a sucker fish survive without water?

But leave the lid on the tank; they can leap short distances. If you find your sucker fish has jumped the tank, place him back in the water to recover; they can live short periods of time without water. Plecos are often ignored by their tank mates, but occasionally an aggressive fish will bully a sucker fish.