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Why is the fish in the water swifter than the bird in the air when it ought to be the contrary since the water is heavier and thicker than the air?

Why is the fish in the water swifter than the bird in the air when it ought to be the contrary since the water is heavier and thicker than the air?

Since water is more viscous media to travel in a slight change of shape (of the traveler) results in larger angle of curvature; turning is quicker. Fish move more like snakes turning their bodies from side to side so their muscles are then equally as good for turning as the required gesture is similar.

When a bird looks at a fish in water does it appear raised or deeper than actually it is similarly when a fish looks at a bird does it appear nearer or further away?

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When the bird in air looks downward at a fish in water, the fish appears raised than it actually is because of refraction as air is rarer medium and water is denser medium and so speed of light in air is more than water. So, light bends towards the normal when it strikes towards the denser medium.

When a fish looks at a bird flying in the air does it appear nearer to it or further away?

Clearly, to the fish , the bird appears farther than its actual distance.

What is the difference between fish and birds?

Birds are animals that possess wings and are able to fly. They have feathers and scaly legs. Fish are aquatic animals with flippers and fins, and they use gills to breathe underwater.

Why do fish appear to be raised in water?

This is due to the refraction. This is because as the light rays transition and pass through the air-water interface, they get bent due to refraction. The light rays are bent away from the normal making us perceive the bottom of the pond or tank as shallow or raised.

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Why does a fish appear to be higher in the water than it really is?

An object seen in the water will usually appear to be at a different depth than it actually is, due to the refraction of light rays as they travel from the water into the air. If the angle of the beam is increased even farther, the light will refract with increasing proportion to the entry angle.

At what distance will the bird appear to fish?

A bird is flying at a height of 3.6m above the surface of water. So the distance at which the bird will see the fish is = apparent depth of the fish + height of the bird from the surface of water. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

Which of the following is Snell’s law?

Snell’s law asserts that n1/n2 = sin α2/sin α1. Overview of optics and light refraction. Because the ratio n1/n2 is a constant for any given wavelength of light, the ratio of the two sines is also a constant for any angle.

What is a fish bird?

Most fish-eating birds are equipped with specialized bills to capture fish either by spearing them with a sharp tip or catching them with ridged edges, and their bills are often very sensitive to detect the brush of prey even if the birds can’t see the fish directly. …

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What is common in fish and birds?

Both belong to vertebrates. Both have streamlined body. Both lays calcareous eggs. Both have scales.

Why does the bottom of a pond appears raised?

(1) The rays of light coming from the bottom of a pond bend away from the normal as they travel from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium). (2) Hence, they appear to come from a point above the actual point from which they come. Therefore, the bottom of the pond appears raised.

Why does the bottom of a pond or swimming pool appears raised?

Answer: This is because as the light rays transition and pass through the air-water interface, they get bent due to refraction. The light rays are bent away from the normal making us perceive the bottom of the pond or tank as shallow or raised.