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Why is there no God in Jainism?

Why is there no God in Jainism?

There is no God who helps people Jains do not believe in any god who will respond to prayer or intervene in the world. The beings that Jains worship have no interest in human beings. The beings that Jains worship are beyond human contact and they cannot intervene in the world.

Who created universe according to Jainism?

Jains believe that the universe has always existed and will always exist. It is regulated by cosmic laws and kept going by its own energy processes. This concept of the universe is compatible with modern scientific thinking. Jains do not believe that the universe was created by any sort of god.

What is the Rajju in Jainism?

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According to Jains, the universe has a firm and an unalterable shape which is measured in the Jain texts by means of a unit called Rajju which is supposed to be very large. The Digambara sect of Jainism postulates that the universe is fourteen Rajju high and extends seven Rajjus from north to south.

What is the literal meaning of Rudra?

The literal meaning of the term Rudra seems to be roaring storm. The other meanings associated with this word are fire and fiery red. Looking from several angles, the term Rudra appears to focus on the fiery aspect of Shiva which is destruction. A paagraph in Rudrashtakam describes the Rudra nature of Shiuva

What is the philosophy of Jainism?

Jain philosophy means the teachings of a Tirthankara which are recorded in Sacred Jain texts. The distinguishing features of Jain philosophy are: Belief on independent existence of soul and matter.

What is the importance of Shiva and Rudra in Hinduism?

Shiva and Rudra are the two names of Hinduism‘s supreme deity. Siva is his benevolent manifestation, signifies everything that is good. Whenever mankind desires peace and harmony to prevail, it is a good idea to invoke his blessings, for he will usher in goodness and award off all evil.