Tips and tricks

Why is zinc chloride stored in airtight?

Why is zinc chloride stored in airtight?

Zinc is kept in air tight bottles because it absorbs moisture present in the air. As a result, there will be formation of a solution as it is deliquescent in nature, that is, zinc chloride has the tendency to convert into liquid.

Why freshly prepared ferric chloride is used?

Iron(III) chloride is produced as an aqueous solution from the oxidation of ferrous chloride with chlorine. The primary use of ferric chloride is to remove impurities in water and for wastewater treatment.

Why does silver chloride keep in air tight bottle?

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Explanation. Silver chloride decomposes into silver and chlorine gas when exposed to sunlight. It is known that silver chloride decomposes to silver and chlorine in the presence of light, and they act as a filter, which prevents the reactions. Hence, Silver chloride is stored in dark-coloured bottles.

Why fused calcium chloride is used in the preparation of fecl3?

The anhydrous form of ferric chloride is very much deliquescent; this means that it absorbs the moisture from the atmosphere until it dissolves in the absorbed water and forms a solution. So in order to keep the ferric chloride dry, fused calcium chloride is used for its preparation.

What happens when a freshly precipitated?

When freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3 is shaken with little amount of dilute solution of FeCl3(electrolyte). Peptization process (ions of the electrolyte are adsorbed by the precipitate particles) takes place by converting the Fe(OH)3 precipitate into colloidal solution positively charged solution of Fe(OH)3.

What is the difference between FeCl2 and FeCl3?

FeCl3 is used as a flocculant while FeCl2 is not a flocculant , however it is used to precipitate sulphide and phosphate.

Why is silver bromide stored in dark bottles?

Answer: Silver Bromide is a photolytic substance i.e it breaks down in the presence of sunlight through photo decomposition reaction. That’s why it is stored in dark colored bottles in labs.

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Why is silver bromide kept in colored bottles?

Silver chloride (AgCl) is sensitive to sunlight. When exposed to it, the salt decomposes into silver (grey in colour) and chlorine. In order to check the decomposition, silver chloride (silver bromide also) is kept in dark coloured bottles so that sun light may not fall on it.

Why is fused calcium chloride and not potassium chloride kept in a desiccator?

Fused Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) Is Deliquescent in nature, absorbs moisture, and hence is used as Drying Agent in desiccator for drying other substances in the laboratory but KCl (potassium chloride) has no such property and cannot be used.

What happens when ferric chloride is added to ferric hydroxide?

(a) A reddish brown coloured colloidal solution is obtained by adding small quantity of ferric chloride solution to the freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide by the process of peptization. As a result , the colloidal sol becomes unstable and get coagulated .

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What happened when FeCl3 is added in freshly prepared Fe OH 3?

Why ferferric chloride should be stored in airtight bottles?

Ferric chloride is highly deliquescent in nature i.e., when exposed to atmosphere absorbs moisture and gets converted into a saturated solution therefore it should be stored in airtight bottles.

Why is Iron[I I I] chloride stored in air tight bottles?

Why iron [I I I] chloride is stored in air tight bottles? Iron (I I I) chloride also known as ferric chloride. It is stored in air tight bottles as its reaction with moisture is an exothermic reaction which produces brown,acidic and corrosive solution.

Why does ferric chloride combine with moisture in air?

The reason is hygroscopy which means ability of substance to attract and hold water molecules through absorbtion or adsorption. Many salts have this tendency. Ferric chloride combines with water from moisture in air due to hygroscopy.

Why is methanol stored in air tight bottles?

It is stored in air tight bottles as its reaction with moisture is an exothermic reaction which produces brown,acidic and corrosive solution. Answer verified by Toppr Upvote (1) Was this answer helpful?