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Why should we choose you for this program?

Why should we choose you for this program?

YOU can do the work and deliver exceptional results to the company. YOU will fit in beautifully and be a great addition to the team. YOU possess a combination of skills and experience that make you stand out. Hiring YOU will make him look smart and make his life easier.

What makes you a good candidate for this program answer?

  1. Highlight specific traits in your personality or relevant skills that make you the best candidate for the role.
  2. Highlight your accomplishments that are relevant to the job.
  3. Match your skills to the job requirements/description.
  4. Know what you bring to the position and how it helps the company.
  5. Confidence is key.
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Why did you choose to study in the US?

The United States of America (USA) hosts the most number of international students in the world. Quality education, unique curriculum, multicultural environment, and abundant opportunities are just some of the reasons why many International students want to study in the US.

What are you expecting of this internship What do you aim to learn?

“My expectations involve being able to learn how to identify business problems, how to choose strategies to address these issues, and how to plan and execute the tactics needed to achieve these goals. By learning this, I can gain real-world experience of what it takes to drive business operations forward.”

Should you answer “why should we Choose You”?

It’s not about right or wrong. It’s about using the opportunity to demonstrate you can deliver if hired, meaning you should focus your response on this half of the question. Say, for example, you’re asked “why should we choose you” during an interview for a bookkeeping position.

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How do you not answer the question “why do you want to apply?

Here are some ways to NOT answer the question: You haven’t thought it through and you’re applying just because. Your friend is going to this school and you want to go with them. This school is your favorite celebrity’s alma-mater and you’ve only heard good things about the school.

How do you answer how do you fit into the program?

You know your strengths and skills. The interviewer is asking how those fit into the program. An easy way to prepare this answer is to create two columns. List your strengths and skills in on column. In the other list what the program is looking for. Compare the two lists.

What is an example of why should we Choose You?

Say, for example, you’re asked “why should we choose you” during an interview for a bookkeeping position. You wouldn’t want to answer, “I’m a thoughtful, hard-working individual with a desire to succeed.”