
Why should you be silent when angry?

Why should you be silent when angry?

Silencing yourself contributes to the very thing you want to avoid. Further, if it’s anger, resentment or another strong negative feeling that you have, keeping silent doesn’t make that feeling dissipate. Just the opposite happens–the unspoken problem remains, distancing occurs and the relationship suffers as a result.

Does everyone’s ears ring when its quiet?

MOST likely, everyone can hear SOMETHING when things are truly quiet. Usually their own heartbeat, blood in their ears, their breathing, joints of the body moving. But, buzzing or ringing is around 85 to 90\% of the time, Tinnitus and should be evaluated by a medical professional.

Why do people get really quiet when they’re mad or upset?

People who get really quiet when they’re mad or upset are often afraid to express their anger for fear of upsetting the people they love the most. They keep their anger bottled up on the inside and refuse to talk or open up about how they feel because they’re afraid of saying something that will hurt the person they’re mad at.

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Why do some people stay silent when they’re angry?

What they often don’t realize is that their silence is just as alienating as their anger because by refusing to talk about it, they’re unconsciously distancing themselves from the people they want to remain close to. 3. Violent Some people lose control of themselves when they’re angry.

How do people react when they’re angry?

Some people get loud and violent when they’re angry, while other people get quiet and start brooding. There are others who burst into tears, and each response is rather insightful.

Why do some people never express their anger?

They have a fear deep down that expressing their anger will cause the people they love to stop loving them, and they will alienate the very people they want to please. They sit on their anger, waiting for the perfect moment to bring it up, but they eventually stop feeling angry and act like nothing happened.