
Why was ensign Harry Kim never promoted?

Why was ensign Harry Kim never promoted?

In the script for VOY: “Caretaker”, Harry Kim was described as “a young Starfleet Ensign in his early twenties. According to Wang, in response to his protests, he was repeatedly told “Someone has to be the ensign.” and thus his character was never promoted.

What rank is elanna Torres?

On the ship she was given field commissioned rank of Lieutenant, junior grade and posted in engineering. In 2371, she was promoted to Chief Engineer….

B’Elanna Torres
Position Chief Engineer
Rank Field commissioned Lieutenant, briefly served as a Field commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade

What is Chakotays rank?

Following the destruction of his ship in the Delta Quadrant, Chakotay and his crew joined Voyager’s crew as one Starfleet crew in order to find a way home. He was granted the provisional rank of Commander and became Voyager’s second in command.

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Why did Tuvok get demoted?

Tuvok was demoted for insubordination after he attempted to steal technology to get the crew home. He turned himself in after the stolen module failed. Instead of being stripped of his career, the captain decided on a demotion.

What happens to Harry Kim after Voyager?

Harry Kim must have finally got a promotion and probably went on to become a captain, as he did in the original “Endgame” timeline. Neelix probably remained at the Talaxian colony in the Delta Quadrant and settled down, hopefully maintaining contact with his former shipmates.

Was chakotay a lieutenant commander?

He was assigned as an instructor in Starfleet’s Advanced Tactical Training and achieved the rank of lieutenant commander. Following the death of his father in 2368 while defending his colony from the Cardassians, Chakotay resigned his Starfleet commission and joined the Maquis.

Do B elanna and Tom get together?

It ends with the beautifully-acted scenes of Tom and B’Elanna floating in space together, facing death, with their bodies growing progressively closer. In her mind, B’Elanna’s choice to finally confess her feelings to Tom is directly tied to her sense of Klingon honor and her self-acceptance.

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Was Chakotay a lieutenant commander?

What is Harry Kim’s job?

Operations Officer
Ensign Harry S. L. Kim is a fictional character who appeared in each of the seven seasons of the American television series Star Trek: Voyager. Portrayed by Garrett Wang, he is the Operations Officer aboard the Starfleet starship USS Voyager….Harry Kim (Star Trek)

Harry Kim
Posting Operations officer, USS Voyager
Rank Ensign

Why did Tuvok get promoted?

One of the main characters on the television series Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok is a member of the fictional Vulcan species who serves as the ship’s second officer, Chief of Security, and Chief Tactical Officer….

Affiliation United Federation of Planets Starfleet
Spouse T’Pel
Children 4

Who played B’Elanna Torres in Voyager?

Background information Edit. B’Elanna Torres was played by Roxann Dawson throughout the entire run of Star Trek: Voyager. A young B’Elanna was played by Jessica Gaona in VOY: ” Lineage “. The notion of a hybrid among Star Trek: Voyager ‘s principal characters was thought up in July 1993, before the series even had a name.

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What was it like to play Harry Kim on Voyager?

Garret Wang played Ensign Harry Kim on Star Trek: Voyager. His character always had enormous deference for the more senior crew members, especially Captain Janeway. Behind the scenes, during and after the show ran, Garret has been very outspoken about what he enjoyed and didn’t enjoy about working on Voyager.

Why was Harry Kim never promoted in Star Trek?

Wang told in a 2011 interview that he felt he got snubbed on multiple counts because he was so outspoken. Harry Kim was notoriously never promoted in the show’s run. “I was the first actor in Star Trek history to be denied the chance to direct,” Wang said.

Is B’Elanna Torres the best Star Trek character ever?

In 2018, The Wrap ranked B’Elanna Torres as the 35th-best character of Star Trek overall. CBR ranked B’Elanna as the 14th-best Starfleet character of Star Trek, in 2018.