Why was Kimimaro so sick?

Why was Kimimaro so sick?

However, Kimimaro became afflicted by an unknown disease that destroyed what remaining worth he was to Orochimaru. Kabuto Yakushi attempted to cure Kimimaro, but to no avail due to Kimimaro’s unique structure and lack of medical information on his clan.

Was Kimimaro a good person?

Kimimaro was among the top tier fighters in the original naruto series. He might would have beaten all the members of the konoha 12 (including neji) if he would have been at the peak, unfortunately he was very weak at the time being. He was the sole survivor of the kaguya clan.

Is Kimimaro a bad guy?

Kimimaro Kaguya is one of those rare characters where the audience learns how grave and tragic their backstory is, but Kimimaro stays a villain to the last. The Kaguya Clan was quite brutal, and Kimimaro himself had a degenerative disease, but he still fought to his last breath to try to kill Rock Lee and Gaara.

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Can Sasuke beat kimimaro?

Kimimaro has virtually no chance of winning. Sasuke had surpassed him a very long time ago in his battle against Naruto in Part 1 at the Final Valley. Although if Sasuke had fought Kimimaro back then it would have been an extremely difficult battle as Sasuke has no sword and is very limited with his Jutsu.

Can Gaara beat kimimaro?

So base Gaara was able to defeat kimimaro a numerous of times during their fight. One would think kimimaro’s stronger bc of the cm, but it’s power still wasn’t enough to over throw Gaara. With that being said, Gaara is definitely stronger than kimimaro.

Who is the biggest villain in Naruto?

While some villains in Naruto, like Itachi, were victims of their circumstances, others were purely evil.

  1. 1 Kaguya Otsutsuki Was The True Villain Of The Entire Story.
  2. 2 Black Zetsu Was The Will Of Kaguya Otsutsuki.
  3. 3 Madara Uchiha Was Evil Through & Through.
  4. 4 Obito Uchiha Pushed The World Into Chaos With His Actions.
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Can Kimimaro move his body?

One, Kabuto in the manga stated that Kimimaro moving, let alone fighting in the state that his body is in, that it is nothing short of a miracle. According to Kabuto and Orochimaru, Kimimaro’s entire body must be paralysed due to the illness and that him fighting was something that they couldn’t fathom.

Why doesn’t Orochimaru tempt Kimimaro or Orochimaru?

Orochimaru wouldn’t tempt the latter with power either, because he’d have no need of him. Remember that Kimimaro was originally intended to be Orochimaru’s replacement body, and was only abandoned because he fell ill. The story changes drastically if Kimimaro isn’t ill. Who knows!

Does Kimimaro kill Gaara and Lee?

Sasuke defects and going by canon battles, Kimimaro kills Gaara and lee. Probably ignores Naruto at Valley. Assists in training Sasuke but would turn on him when he kills Orochimaru, by that point Sasuke kills him, and lies to Jugo to keep him on his side.