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Will a cat eventually come out of hiding?

Will a cat eventually come out of hiding?

The cat will eventually come out when it feels safe. If it’s normally an outdoor cat, feel free to let it calm down and emerge when it needs to. Leave water and food nearby. If your cat remains tucked away for more than 2-3 hours, then place its bowls near the hiding space.

Why is my cat hiding all of a sudden?

A cat who’s usually always down to play and suddenly goes into hiding could be nursing a bad cold, an arthritic flare up, or something more serious like a chronic illness . If your cat starts hiding all of a sudden, it’s recommended you take her to the vet for a thorough evaluation to rule out any health concerns.

How do I find a hiding cat?

Here are some steps you can take to help you find your missing cat:

  1. Look carefully in all of the potential hiding places you can think of or find.
  2. Put your cat’s favourite food inside but very close to your door and leave the door open, watch from afar to see if your cat comes out from hiding, and wait patiently.
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Why is my cat hiding suddenly?

Why is my cat hiding in the closet?

Hiding Due to an Illness. Cats often hide when they are in pain. If your cat has an illness, you might notice that he is hiding in closets, under the bed or behind the furniture. This should be an alarming sign, so to be safe, take your pet to see a veterinarian.

Why is my cat not eating?

Medical problems such as infections, kidney failure, pancreatitis, intestinal problems and cancer can all cause a cat to stop eating. Your cat has not resumed eating within 24 hours.

Why does a cat stop eating?

Very often a cat stops eating because of illness. The reasons can range from something that is fixable to an issue that may prove terminal. Only your vet can determine the cause of the appetite loss and if there is anything you can do about it.