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Will you take dowry Quora?

Will you take dowry Quora?

Would you take a dowry? – Quora. Originally Answered: Indian Men: Would you take dowry? I wouldn’t take dowry if bride’s family will be agree to sign No-dowry taken affidavit and no-alimony affidavit. Dowry is not only given to bride to setup their new household but it also worked as a marriage savior.

Why should we not take dowry?

The dowry system can put great financial burden on the bride’s family. In some cases, the dowry system leads to crime against women, ranging from emotional abuse and injury to even deaths. Although Indian laws against dowries have been in effect for decades, they have been largely criticised as being ineffective.

Is it okay to take dowry?

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Anything given or taken by any party involving valuable security or any property moveable or immoveable, is dowry when it is without free will and consent. Also, in case anything is given or taken during the wedding, it should all be for the woman. Every other gift must also be given to the woman.

How much should you spend on gifts for your spouse?

Each spouse should get an equal amount of discretionary money to use for anything from gifts to going out to lunch to getting a new gadget, says Mary Gresham, a financial psychologist who practices in Atlanta. So, when the higher-earning spouse takes more than half of the disposable income, it can be a sign of a control issue, she says.

Can a husband prevent his wife from making too much money?

Tries to curtail your earning power. The flip side: Some spouses, often husbands with more traditional views, try to prevent their wives from making too much money, says Klontz, who has done research on women who make more than their husbands. So, for example, a husband might discourage his wife from starting a business or going to law school.

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Why does my wife want to spend all of her money?

Maybe your wife grew up poor and is afraid of not having enough money. Or, perhaps your husband’s workaholic dad died young and never got to enjoy life, and that’s why your spouse wants to spend now. Talk about your feelings. Focus on how you feel rather than what your spouse is doing wrong.

Should you let your spouse manage the finances?

Sometimes one spouse manages the finances, and that can be perfectly healthy, Moore says. However, in other cases, it can be “kind of a negative thing that’s going on.” In some cases, a spouse will blame the other for debts and just take over the finances, she says.