
Would Mark Antony be a good leader?

Would Mark Antony be a good leader?

Mark Antony Was a good leader because he was able to rally the people, he got them to follow him and lead an attack to avenge the death of julius. he was able to mold a mob into doing what he wanted. Antony was a good leader because he was able to use logic and emotion to sway the people.

Did Mark Antony want to be king?

According to Cicero (a slave owner himself), Antony wanted Caesar to be more than just a consul and dictator for life: He wanted Caesar to be a king. Antony wanted the Romans to be subjects rather than citizens, as slaves are to their master.

What good things did Mark Antony do?

Antony showed excellent military leadership under Caesar and was involved in Gallic Wars which resulted in expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of Gaul. During this time, Mark Antony developed a friendly relationship with Caesar which lasted till the assassination of Caesar.

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Why is Brutus better than Antony?

Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar was more effective than Brutus’ because Antony used a multifaceted emotional argument, instead of relying on one assertion, as Brutus had. Because of this, Antony was able to sway the crowd to his side, against Brutus and the Conspirators.

How did Antony gain power in Rome?

Antony was assigned Rome’s eastern provinces, including the client kingdom of Egypt, then ruled by Cleopatra VII Philopator, and was given the command in Rome’s war against Parthia . Relations among the triumvirs were strained as the various members sought greater political power.

What is the difference between Antony and Caesar?

Antony was appointed administrator of Italy while Caesar eliminated political opponents in Greece, North Africa, and Spain.

How does Antony use sarcasm in The Merchant of Venice?

Antony resorts to sarcasm and the snide “honourable man”, made into an insult by repeating it enough times. Brutus talks about a greater good, a good greater than the man he has killed, greater than the act of murder and greater than Brutus himself.

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What was Antony’s early life like?

Antony’s early life was characterized by a lack of proper parental guidance. According to the historian Plutarch, he spent his teenage years wandering through Rome with his brothers and friends gambling, drinking, and becoming involved in scandalous love affairs.