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How do you get past the gatekeepers in cold calling?

How do you get past the gatekeepers in cold calling?

Here are the steps for getting past gatekeepers when cold calling:

  1. Be respectful and build trust.
  2. Be (mostly) honest.
  3. Don’t try to sell to the gatekeeper.
  4. Call your prospect’s colleagues.
  5. Try another department.
  6. Use the content contributor excuse.
  7. Call outside of business hours.
  8. If all else fails, chat the bot.

How do I get past the gatekeeper script?

Getting past the gatekeeper is an art….6 Steps to Get Past the Toughest Gatekeepers (Scripts Included)

  1. Lead with respect and integrity.
  2. Add a personal touch.
  3. Use basic manners – Please and thank you.
  4. Show you’re listening.
  5. Ditch the small talk.
  6. Do your research.
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How do I get through a decision from a cold call?

Cold Calling Tips For Getting Through To The Decision Maker

  1. Be assumptive.
  2. Give information sparingly.
  3. Answer only questions asked.
  4. Believe that you will be put through.
  5. Transmit seniority.
  6. Create the impression that you’re known.
  7. Use downward inflexion in your voice.
  8. Use client’s first name.

What is a gatekeeper and why are they important?

A gatekeeper is the term for anyone who blocks the way between you and the key decision maker within a target organisation. Therefore, gatekeepers act as a shield, protecting them from any unwanted distractions or potential time wasters who might otherwise take them away from their main responsibilities.

What is making cold calls?

Cold calling is a technique in which a salesperson contacts individuals who have not previously expressed interest in the offered products or services. Cold calling typically refers to solicitation by phone or telemarketing, but can also involve in-person visits, such as with door-to-door salespeople.

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How do you ask for decision making on a cold call?

How do you know who is the gatekeeper in cold calling?

Crush Cold Calling in One Day. 1 1. Gatekeeper: The Receptionist. Easily the most dealt with. You know like who is sleeping with whom, who is always stealing the food from others and 2 2. Gatekeeper: Mrs Moneypenny. 3 3. Gatekeeper: Ceberus.

How do you pass a gatekeeper when calling a company?

Look, the key to get passed through is to persuade her into thinking that your call is truely important and that her boss is familiar with your name. Gatekeeper: “Laura Smith speaking.” You: “Good morning Laura / Mrs. Smith, this is Michael Johnson from Betterproducts.

Is it possible to have an easier life with cold calling?

It’s not considerered particular “easier life” if you have to talk to 20 different guys cold calling, trying selling you something you don’t need (or at least think you don’t). All of them have in common that they try to figure out if the reason behind your call is important to her superior (or the target person you try to reach).

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Is there a free cold call script for B2B?

Get my free “Killer Cold Call Script” below. I developed it during my time as a Sales Training Director at Groupon (“fastest growing company ever” according to forbes magazine, by the way). It has shown time after time to tripple conversion rates in B2B cold calling. Over and over again! 100\% Bullshit Free: This stuff works!