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Is it possible to have multiple passions?

Is it possible to have multiple passions?

Having many different passions isn’t a bad thing, but a wonderful thing. That being said, this doesn’t reduce the need for focus or hard work. Just because you’re interested in a million different things, doesn’t mean it takes serious effort to become extremely good at one pursuit.

What if I have multiple passion?

If you’re not sure of ways to combine different passions then try a few out at a time. Pick at least three and commit to working on each one for 2 hours a week. More if you can afford to spend more time. Keep this up for several weeks, spending at least 6 hours total each week to do these three things.

How do you get your passion to follow you?

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Getting your passion to follow you requires developing skills that offer as much value as possible. Progressing on one’s path to mastery, based on one’s innate or developed strengths is the best way to achieve a passionate work-life. Passion is earned.

Do you pursue multiple passions?

I simply believe a lot of people who pursue many passions have been told, unfairly, that they need to stop daydreaming and get to work. Eliminate all the other interests but one. And, if you aren’t going to master something, it isn’t even worth beginning. I definitely fit more into the multiple passions category than complete focus.

How to achieve a passionate work-life?

Progressing on one’s path to mastery, based on one’s innate or developed strengths is the best way to achieve a passionate work-life. Passion is earned. Vocations are not handed to the amateur, they are achieved by walking the path and doing the work.

How many people care about your passion overlap?

Even if only .01\% of the world care about your passion overlap, that’s still over a half million potential clients or customers. First, I don’t want to claim that this means you need to start taking karate lessons, mastering Sudoku and learning Gaelic if those things don’t interest you. If you have one obsessive lifelong passion, pursue it.