
Can I get Hungarian citizenship through my grandparents?

Can I get Hungarian citizenship through my grandparents?

You can apply on the basis of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or even further generations, being Hungarian. The important bit is to consider whether the ancestor in question was a citizen at the time that the person applying for citizenship was born.

How long does it take to get Romanian citizenship by descent?

Romanian citizenship can be acquired after four years of residency in the country while demonstrating a working knowledge of the Romanian language and knowledge of Romanian culture.

Are Romania and Hungary similar?

While genetics is about genes and they are almost the same in all Central-Eastern Europe. There is no hungarian or romanian gene, but there is a hungarian language and a romanian language and they are very different, thus, besides some influences, there are no ethnic similitudes in general.

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How do you prove Romanian ancestry?

You can apply for Romanian Citizenship by Descent if you:

  1. Have a parent who was a Romanian citizen at any point in their lifetime; or.
  2. Have a grandparent (any of four) who was a Romanian citizen at any point in their lifetime; or.

Who lived in Transylvania?

According to the Romanian interpretations, Antun Vrančić wrote that Transylvania “is inhabited by three nations – Székelys, Hungarians and Saxons; I should also add the Romanians who – even though they easily equal the others in number – have no liberties, no nobility and no rights of their own, except for a small …

What nationality is Hungary?


Hungary Magyarország (Hungarian)
Official languages Hungarian
Ethnic groups (microcensus 2016) 98.3\% Hungarians 3.2\% Romani 1.8\% Germans 1\% not declared
Religion (census 2011) 54.3\% Christianity —39.0\% Catholicism —11.8\% Protestantism —3.5\% Other Christian 18.2\% No religion 0.3\% Others 27.2\% No answer

How many Hungarians have been granted Romanian citizenship?

As of February 2013, the Hungarian government has granted citizenship to almost 400,000 Hungarians ‘beyond the borders’. In April 2013, the Hungarian government announced that 280,000 of these were Romanian citizens.

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What is the Hungarian minority in Romania?

The Hungarian minority of Romania ( Hungarian: romániai magyarok, Romanian: maghiarii din România) is the largest ethnic minority in Romania, consisting of 1,227,623 people and making up 6.1\% of the total population, according to the 2011 census. Most ethnic Hungarians of Romania live in areas that were,…

How did Transylvania become part of Romania?

With the conclusion of World War I, the Treaty of Trianon (signed on 4 June 1920) defined the new border between the states of Hungary and Romania. As a result, the more than 1.5 million Hungarian minority of Transylvania found itself becoming a minority group within Romania.

Where can I find old birth and Death Records in Hungary?

Only birth records 90 years old or older, marriage records 60 years old or older, and death records 30 years old or older have been made available by the Hungarian government. The registration has two formats: The pre-1907 format can be located by clicking on the Hungary Civil Registration link below. The post-1907 format is located on this page.

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