
What does the expression sparks fly mean?

What does the expression sparks fly mean?

Definition of sparks fly 1 —used to say that two people are having an argument with each other The sparks flew when he arrived late for her special dinner. 2 —used to say that two people are sexually attracted to each other Sparks flew when they met for the first time.

What does making sparks mean?

2 : to produce sparks specifically : to have the electric ignition working. 3 : to respond with enthusiasm. transitive verb. 1 : to set off in a burst of activity : activate the question sparked a lively discussion —often used with off. 2 : to stir to activity : incite sparked her team to victory.

What does it mean when someone says on the fly?

In a hurry, on the run, as in I picked up some groceries on the fly. The transfer of this expression, which literally means “in midair or in flight,” dates from the mid-1800s.

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When Wits meet sparks fly out meaning?

1. There is a lot of animosity, arguing, or angry tension (between two people). The two managers have drastically different ideas of how the business should be run, so sparks fly whenever they are in a meeting together. 2.

What does spark mean in a relationship?

A spark – that intense, immediate reaction when you first met your partner – is what got you both together in the first place, and maintaining that spark is the key to keeping relationships vibrant.

What does spark mean in dating?

Answered 3 years ago · Author has 74 answers and 228.3K answer views. The ‘spark’ in a relationship is when you first hookup and you’re still riding that high of infatuation. This is why a lot of high school relationships fail. They hook up for a few weeks, and feel that spark. True love they think!

What is another way to say on the fly?

What is another word for on the fly?

spontaneously impromptu
ad-lib on the spot
in the heat of the moment without thinking
off the cuff on impulse
on a whim on the spur of the moment
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How do you use fly in a sentence?

(1) The bird caught a bug on the fly. (2) The code is translated on the fly. (3) So far, policy is being made on the fly. (5) Sometimes you have to make decisions on the fly.

What is Sparks in love?

The “spark” is the typical experience of excitement and infatuation at the beginning of a relationship. You feel a sort of chemistry with the other person. This is what the spark feels like. It’s a fantastic feeling. And it’s one of the reasons why so many people like being in a relationship.

What does sparking a girl mean?

spark verb Especially of a man: to woo, court (a woman); hence sparking = courting. 1859 Taliaferro Fisher’s River 118 I sparked her a little that night, and told her I was a-gwine wiz her to meetin’ next Sunday.

What does it mean to let Sparks Fly?

sparks fly. 1. If sparks fly between two people, they get angry with each other and argue. They are not afraid to tackle the issues or let the sparks fly when necessary.

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Is man born to trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward?

ESV – 7 But man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward. Community answers are sorted based on votes. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. If you have ever built a fire outside at night, I am sure you have seen sparks floating upward into the darkness, especially when when you stoke the fire or add more wood.

Could let the sparks fly be shortlisted for a prestigious award?

Let The Sparks Fly, by Andy Newman of Wellesbourne, was taken Liberty Pressing Solutions in Coventry and has now been shortlisted for a prestigious national award.

Why does the Book of job mention Sparks floating upwards?

If you have ever built a fire outside at night, I am sure you have seen sparks floating upward into the darkness, especially when when you stoke the fire or add more wood. The book of Job may have chosen this simile because heat and poking both produce the effect.