
How do you keep your house cool in the tropics?

How do you keep your house cool in the tropics?

When the temps are on the rise and its steamy and hot outdoors, keep your house cooler inside by ensuring all curtains and blinds are closed. During daylight hours, the sun will heat up your house with rays entering through the windows, so keeping them closed helps lower inside temperatures significantly.

What type of houses are built in hot climate?

The traditional building material in the Southwest and other hot climates is adobe. The thick walls are made of adobe blocks — a mixture of clay, sand, straw and water — which were originally dried in the hot summer sun.

How does climate affect housing design?

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Wetter winters and sudden, heavy downpours make it even more important to direct rainwater and meltwater away from houses, paved areas, roads etc. A milder climate will reduce the durability of building materials and affect the indoor climate of buildings. Warmer summers will introduce a greater need for cooling.

Which type of house are best for hot climate?

Compact house forms, rather than sprawling, multi-wing designs work best in hot locales. Home designs with shaded porches, wrap around porches or plans with courtyards that create a shaded open area within the building are ideal.

How do you design a house that does not need AC?

Place windows strategically Specifically, cross-ventilation relies on the concept that by creating windows of similar sizes opposite each other: air is sucked into the house, cools your body by helping the heat evaporate off it, and then exits through the opposite windows. This creates a nice natural breeze.

How did they keep houses cool before AC?

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Thick walls helped people to cool down their houses before air conditioners. Cave dwellings were later somewhat duplicated with the use of local stones or man-made bricks or to build thickly walled dwellings. Their thermal mass tended to maintain internal temperatures relatively stable throughout the year.

Which type of house will be cooler in summer and warmer in winter?

mud houses
The mud houses are cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

How are houses constructed in the hot climate region?

How to design and build a house in a tropical climate?

When designing and building a home in a tropical climate, they are vital principles that you should consider. These include orientation, solar shading, and passive ventilation and are all strategies associated with tropical architecture . The type of windows and their placement is especially critical when building a house in the tropics.

How to increase the air flow into the House?

Maintaining a significant lower temperature inside compared to the outdoor temperature may help in enhancing the air flow into the house via stack effect ventilation process. However, encouraging rapid air flow into the building during daytime in Malaysia may also bring the heat into the building.

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Why is it difficult to ventilate a building with natural ventilation?

It is difficult to distribute fresh air to all portions of a very wide building using natural ventilation. The maximum width that one could expect to ventilate naturally is estimated at 45 ft. Consequently, buildings that rely on natural ventilation often have an articulated floor plan.

What causes natural air flow in a building?

A natural air flow will be caused if there is an opening high in the building and another low in the building. In tropical climate countries, where normally the air inside is cooler than that outside, the air will drain out the low opening, being replaced with a fresher air from outside through the high opening [8].