How do you recover from a narcissistic discard?

How do you recover from a narcissistic discard?

Heres some advice on how to recover from a discard:

  1. Allow yourself to grieve. Go in to your feelings; dont try to avoid them.
  2. Challenge your negative beliefs.
  3. Put the responsibility back on the other person.
  4. Learn the life lessons.
  5. Move forward with your life.

What is a devaluing narcissist?

The devaluation stage. Once a narcissist has hooked their victim, they start showing their true self. This is where the insults and put-downs start slipping into what they say. By pretending they can still be loving, the narcissist makes their victim believe the insults are their own fault.

How to get a narcissist to stop devaluing you?

When the narcissist comes back believing they can reel you in again, let them know they are no longer welcome in your life. The negative words they devalued you with can be used to justify why the relationship is no longer viable. This will undoubtedly anger the narcissist, but in the long run, it will save you considerable heartache.

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Do you deserve to be left in a narcissistic relationship?

For those unfamiliar with narcissists and their ways, the discard phase might seem like the inevitable end to a failed relationship. After weeks, months, or even years of being devalued, victims of narcissistic abuse often believe that they deserve to be left.

What happens when a narcissist has you hooked?

Once the narcissist has us hooked through the Idealisation Stage of the relationship, where they plan the Fake Future with us, that con artists that through the idealisation stage that mirrors us, sell us our dreams, then comes the devaluation as they begin to devalue us and deliver us our worst nightmare. A narcissist wants you to.

How long does the build-up to a narcissistic discard last?

The build-up to a discard can last weeks or even months as the narcissist preps you for the final phase. The way this phase plays out is largely determined by how far along you are in your relationship with the narcissist.