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How do you memorize German grammar?

How do you memorize German grammar?

How to Learn German Grammar: Fast, Simple, Easy-to-remember Study Techniques

  1. Verb Conjugations: Put Them into Groups.
  2. Irregular Verbs: Put Them in a Verb Book.
  3. German Verb Placement: Remember These Shortcuts.
  4. Breakable Verbs: Build on Those Same Shortcuts.
  5. Time Words: Be Flexible with Placement.

Can you learn German without grammar?

However, if you don’t know those German grammar rules, how will you be able to speak German fluently? Obviously, studying grammar is not the way. The thing is you can speak German fluently even though you don’t know any grammar rules.

Is German grammar easy?

Thanks to regular patterns and easily recognisable rules, German grammar can be very straightforward. Yes, it takes some time to learn the rules and truly master them, but that’s the case with any language you might learn.

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Is German grammar hard?

German grammar is complex, can get frustrating at times, and will probably take a while to master. Most learners struggle with grammatical cases (to be fair, they can be a pain even for native speakers). And remember: lots of English and German phrases have the same stem, so the word order will feel familiar.

Can you learn German “ somehow”?

You’ll even find that learning German can be fun – no kidding! Then the times of „learning somehow“ haphazardly will be gone, instead you’ll rely on very specific techniques, which enable you to learn certain grammar rules in a purposeful and structural way.

How can mnemonics help with learning German?

Mnemonics can help with both sides of the equation. Let’s start off with German vocabulary. If you are struggling with remembering all the German words you so studiously shoveled into your memory, a good technique is to convert them into images.

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How to learn German grammar rules quickly and efficiently?

Hopefully you realized yourself that the use of mnemotechnics is the most valuable approach when you want to learn German grammar rules QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY. Not only my students, but also the Hartnack-School is won over by the new course on mnemotechnics.

How do you pronounce mnemonics?

Oh and finally to answer the question on everyone’s mind: “mnemonics” is pronounced “nuh-MON-ics” with a silent m at the beginning. You are welcome. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download) Try FluentU for FREE! What Is a Mnemonic Device?