Tips and tricks

What do you not say when your on your period?

What do you not say when your on your period?

10 Things Never to Say To a Girl on Her Period

  • 1. ”
  • “How does a girl bleed for five days and not die?” The jokes got old in 5th grade.
  • “I can’t believe you’re wearing white!” That’s what a tampon/pad/menstrual cup is for.
  • “Are you PMSing?” PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome, so no, that was last week.

Can I talk to my boyfriend about my period?

Keep in mind that if you’re comfortable, they will be more comfortable too. Remember that if you’re sexually active or planning on it, talking about your period is a very significant first step to get into the bigger subjects, like birth control. Besides, there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

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Do girls deal with their periods differently than women?

Women have different ways of handling and getting over period pains. Some women have severe cramps that they cannot function all day so they prefer to lie down. Others do not experience cramps and just go on binge eating. So yes, girls don’t have same symptoms and they deal with their menses differently.

How do you know when a girl is on her period?

And for dudes out there, please educate yourselves. Here are some basic things to know when girls are on their period: 1. Get over it. Your ex-girlfriend and your new girlfriend have different period symptoms. Women have different ways of handling and getting over period pains.

Why is it irrational to shame a girl on her period?

It is irrational because period is a natural part of a woman’s life and there can never be any reason for shaming her due to it. She might feel emotional or she might not. Her periods are her personal experience and no one other than her can fathom what she is going through. If she isn’t up to something, don’t blame her for it.

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Do women get emotional on their periods?

Period or Not, Women Are Emotional Beings. The more feminine and girly a woman is, the more likely it is that she gets emotional while on her period or not. For example: A woman might be the boss at her work where she is always serious and in control of her emotions.