
Are daughters better than sons?

Are daughters better than sons?

When parents are old, daughters become more responsible than sons. This is because before marriage they care of their own parents and after marriage they take care of their family. Hence the essence of responsibility never dies in daughters. Daughters are more understanding and tolerant when compared to sons.

Why would a woman want a daughter?

Why do women have a preference for a daughter? A study by British parenting site Mumsnet in 2012 found that 45\% of mothers desire a baby girl, just 22\% said they wanted a boy. The study found that the prime reason mums wanted daughters was because women felt they would “bond and understand” them better.

Do Moms Want daughters or sons?

Women really do prefer daughters, and men (slightly) prefer sons, according to new research from Finnish and American scientists. Women were significantly more likely to see girls as ‘good’ and invest more money in them, while men showed a slight preference for sons.

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Do mothers love sons more than daughters?

Mothers are more critical of their daughters than their sons, and admit to having a having stronger bond with their little boys, according to research.

Is having a daughter a blessing?

Having a daughter is a blessing that brings a lot of joy and excitement in one’s life. Having a daughter is like having a younger best friend. Daughters teach parents about the joys of childhood and the beauty of youth, while parents teach daughters about responsibility and confidence.

Why do parents prefer sons over daughters?

Having a head start is always preferred. If conditions turn out bad later and some genes die, others can survive. Therefore, parents prefer sons over daughters in average conditions. Average conditions mean that the factors that influence reproductive success are not extreme.

Do mums really want daughters?

A study by British parenting site Mumsnet in 2012 found that 45\% of mothers desire a baby girl, just 22\% said they wanted a boy. The study found that the prime reason mums wanted daughters was because women felt they would “bond and understand” them better. 32\% said they wanted to “dress up their daughter” and “decorate the nursery for a girl.”

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Why do women want a daughter?

A look through online parenting forums show that the reasons women want a daughter are fairly similar and universal. Many say they want a child “for them” that their sons are “for Daddy” and they want “one of their own”. Others with an almost sense of shame echo the Mumsnet findings – they just someone to dress in pretty clothes.

Do you want a child ‘for them’ or “for Daddy”?

Many say they want a child “for them” that their sons are “for Daddy” and they want “one of their own”. Others with an almost sense of shame echo the Mumsnet findings – they just someone to dress in pretty clothes. “I love my boys more than anything but i dont see anything wrong with wanting a certain gender.