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Are Dutch people good at speaking English?

Are Dutch people good at speaking English?

Next to ranking among the tallest people in the world, the Dutch are also better at speaking English than any other non-native country. According to research, between 90\% and 93\% of Dutchies claim to be able to hold a conversation in English.

Are most Scandinavians fluent in English?

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish all have their roots in Old Norse and a speaker of one has a default capability to at least understand the other two languages. But the Scandinavians’ language ability doesn’t stop there. Virtually all are fluent in English too.

Why are Scandinavian people so good at English?

Scandinavians Recognise the Benefits of Speaking English Outside of Scandinavia. The main reason Scandinavians push to become fluent in foreign languages is unsurprising. As English is considered the main international language, there is a particular emphasis put on learning this language, above all others.

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Why the Dutch are so good at English?

Dutch people speak English so well because it’s being taught from elementary school, the Dutch are a trading country and have a lot of international connections, TV shows are not dubbed, Dutch and English are both Germanic languages, and the Dutch have an affinity with English and American.

Which Scandinavian country has the best English?

Norway completes the triad of the three main Nordic countries that are considered most fluent in English. It has similar rates of English proficiency to Sweden and Dernmark (85-90\% of the population) and consistently ranks as the fourth best country in the world for English language skills – see here and here.

Do we speak English in the Netherlands?

Yes, we do! The recent EF English Proficiency Index placed the Netherlands first when comparing the English skills of 100 non-English speaking countries. “Why is that?” I’m wondering as I look for my native Austria on the list, which only came in at number six, behind a bunch of Scandinavian countries.

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Why are Dutch people so good at speaking English?

The Dutchies’ high rank in English proficiency also results from exploring the globe during their vacations. This nation of former seafarers has adventure in their blood. Abel Tasman, for example, was the first known explorer from Europe to reach today’s Tasmania and New Zealand in 1642.

What language do the Scandinavians speak the most?

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish all have their roots in Old Norse and a speaker of one has a default capability to at least understand the other two languages. But the Scandinavians’ language ability doesn’t stop there. Virtually all are fluent in English too.

How many people live in the Netherlands?

This small-sized country with 17 million inhabitants living on 41,543 square kilometres beats many larger economies and ranks number 17 worldwide as far as their GDP is concerned. Being the business-friendly culture that the Netherlands is, the Dutch have had to master the English language to be able to compete in the global market.