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Are German degrees recognized in US?

Are German degrees recognized in US?

Generally speaking German universities are highly regarded universities. So,yes they are valid and recognised in the U.S or any other country. Degree from German University is very much valid in the U.S. and all other countries.

Does America recognize European degrees?

In the US, the government doesn’t give accreditation itself but approves various accrediting agencies (as does the Council for Higher Education Accreditation). It’s important to note that these degrees aren’t recognized because they are US institutions that aren’t accredited by approved agencies in the US.

Are Romanian degrees Recognised in US?

Congratulations to Romanians Accepted to U.S. Colleges and Universities. Congratulations to all of the Romanian students who have received offers of admission from one of the over 4,700 accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States.

Is a degree from Germany recognized in the US?

Yes. If you have a degree from Germany (or virtually anywhere else), it will be recognized in the US. There are some places in the world where degrees might be viewed with more suspicion, particularly if they are from a country where bribery is rife, but any degree from a Western European country is not going to give you trouble.

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Do international degrees transfer to the United States?

Students coming to study in America may find that a degree may not transfer completely, qualifications earned overseas might not be accepted by employers, and credits might not transfer from one university to another.

Can I transfer my medical degree to another country?

In many cases, your degree will transfer over just fine as long as it’s validated and the credits and grades are translated into an American system. In other cases, you might need to take additional classes or certifications before practicing in the United States.

Can I transfer a degree in Russian literature from Germany to USA?

But if you got a degree in Russian literature from a German university, nobody in the US is going to go, “Nuh-uh you didn’t.” They mostly do, but the effort involved depends on what kind of degree it is, and for what purpose it needs to be “transferred”.