
Are humans supposed to be happy all the time?

Are humans supposed to be happy all the time?

Humans are not designed to be happy, or even content. Instead, we are designed primarily to survive and reproduce, like every other creature in the natural world. A state of contentment is discouraged by nature because it would lower our guard against possible threats to our survival.

What would happen if we didn’t have happiness?

If we don’t pursue happiness then we end up in other places; places that aren’t happy, places that cause us misery and suffering. We will end up there if we don’t continue to put energy towards the pursuit of happiness. In regards to physical health, we all understand this idea.

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Is being happy the purpose of life?

Aristotle said, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

Is perfect happiness possible?

Perfect happiness, enlightenment, comes when you have all of your needs satisfied. While the perfect happiness of enlightenment may be hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain, happiness is not an either /or case. There are nearly limitless degrees of happiness between the bliss of enlightenment and the despair of depression.

Would the world be a better place if everyone was happy?

Maybe, yes, but there are also reasons to believe that the world would simply not be a better place. And those reasons often involve the negative influence that mankind as a whole is having on this planet. If everybody on this planet would be happy, then everybody would also live longer and be more productive.

Why is everyone else happy and you’re not?

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Why is everyone else happy and you’re not? It’s an illusion that we have created for fear of sitting with the discomfort and opening up about our authentic humanity. The more we can acknowledge it, the less power it holds over us. I’ve spent so much time trying to hide my darkness.

Do we put too much pressure on ourselves to be happy?

While we must absolutely spend time celebrating the sweet magical moments life brings us, it has put this consuming pressure on us to constantly be happy. When this doesn’t happen, we inevitably start to compare ourselves to all those who never seem to miss a beat.