
Are INFPs very logical?

Are INFPs very logical?

INFPs are not logical But this does not mean they’re incapable of logical reasoning. In fact, they can be quite good with reason—especially if their inferior function, Extroverted Thinking, is well developed. For instance, as an INFP, I find myself tapping into my Thinking function at times.

Can INFP be a thinker?

They favor their rationality more than their personal feelings, this quality makes them thinkers, they focus on what’s more important. While INFP with their inferior Te will have easier time to brush off any Te input in favor of their feelings.

Can INFPs be good at math?

And the short answer of the question, Intelligent INFPs definitely enjoy maths, no matter how good they are in other subjects, their creativities often allow them to create logics for a math problem. And often, the INFPs prove to be better mathematicians than a huge number of INTPs and ENTPs.

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What does an Infp think about?

INFPs think about everything — and then think about everything again, reliving it all in their dreams. It’s no wonder so many of us are writers and artists; it helps to have a space where we can externalize at least some of the thoughts buzzing through our heads.

Are INFP shallow?

INFPs are generally very understanding and empathetic to others, even people they do not understand (no matter how hard they try). However, they do not usually make deep connections with shallow or gossipy people.

How do Infp study?

INFPs understand new material with great depth and breadth. They are able to deeply grasp material independently. INFPs are capable of mechanical memorization, but the amount retained this way is less than in memory based on understanding.

Are INFPs irrational in decision making?

“INFPs are often considered super illogical and irrational in decision making. However, under stress, I often let my anxiety take over my emotional decision making and make over logical decisions. I become almost too logical – I shut down my emotions and enter robot-mode. So we are not always these emotional, cry-baby types.

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What are INFPs like?

INFPs – or introverted, intuitive, feeling perceivers – are known for being creative, complex and a little overly-idealistic. But not every INFP fits this bill to a T. Below, 24 INFPs explain the ways in which they defy the habits that are commonly associated with their personality type.

Do you fit the INFP personality type to a T?

But not every INFP fits this bill to a T. Below, 24 INFPs explain the ways in which they defy the habits that are commonly associated with their personality type. 1. “INFPs are often considered super illogical and irrational in decision making.