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Are INTPs good at planning?

Are INTPs good at planning?

While INTPs definitely think about the future and which path they should take, they aren’t necessarily planners. They won’t plan out every tiny detail, instead they prefer to consider different potential paths they can take and might not actually decide until the last minute.

Can INTP be hardworking?

INTPs really aren’t worker bees, simply because most jobs bore them far too easily. They don’t like anything that keeps them going down the same monotonous path, which is why they aren’t often the worker bee types. They can certainly work hard, but often in a more mentally driven capacity.

Are INTPs spontaneous?

INTPs definitely enjoy researching and learning about new things, but they also enjoy being spontaneous. INTPs are great at analyzing things, which causes them to feel comfortable jumping into new situations.

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What job suits INTP?

There are careers in various fields that would be suited to an INTP personality:

  1. Engineer. INTPs love seeing a problem from a different angle, using their creativity to think up new solutions.
  2. Computer Programmer.
  3. Inventor.
  4. Lawyer.
  5. Business Analyst.
  6. Information Security Specialist.
  7. Author.
  8. Scientist.

What personality traits do INTPs have?

The INTP is typically non-traditional, and more likely to reason out their own individual way of doing things than to follow the crowd. The INTP is suspicious of assumptions and conventions, and eager to break apart ideas that others take for granted. INTPs are merciless when analyzing concepts and beliefs,…

Are INTPs open to new experiences?

INTPs are often highly open to experience. Like most Intuitive types, INTPs are often higher in Big Five Openness to Experience. Highly open individuals tend to seek new experiences, and enjoy absorbing complex information or discussing abstract topics and ideas.

Do INTPs turn other people into persons?

Occasionally, some people will turn into persons in the eyes of the INTP, but those happenings are few and far between. As far as the INTP in concerned, the rest of the population serves to take up space, waste time, and (in their better moments) provide a moronic comparison with which to better spotlight the brilliance of INTPs.

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Are INTPs prone to Heartbreak?

INTP’s are not made of stone. One may think because they are not governed by their emotions, that they are not likely to get their heart broken, or they recover very quickly from emotional upset. The way to break an INTP’s heart is fantastically normal. They too get attached to people, pets, world events.