
Are Intps melancholic or phlegmatic?

Are Intps melancholic or phlegmatic?

Overall, INTP’s do look generally “Melancholic” because of the mixture of the introversion with the criticalness of the NT “Rational”.

Can you be melancholic phlegmatic?

When the Melancholy and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who is very analytical, accommodating, and will cautiously plan their way through life. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they do and everything that happens in their life.

Are Istjs phlegmatic?

So then ISTJ would end up Phlegmatic-Choleric.

Which temperament is the best?

A phlegmatic is the most stable temperament. They are calm, easy-going, and they don’t have emotional outbursts, exaggerated feelings, unforgiveness, or bitterness. A phlegmatic personality tends to be quiet and peaceful and they are sympathetic and care about the emotions of others.

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What temperament is INTP?

INTP (introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving) is one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). 1 People who score as INTP are often described as quiet and analytical. They enjoy spending time alone, thinking about how things work, and coming up with solutions to problems.

What is a melancholic person?

Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and feelers. They are introverted and try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. A melancholic personality leads to self-reliant individuals who are thoughtful, reserved, and often anxious.

Can sanguine marry phlegmatic?

Still, these two temperaments often fall in love with each other and when they do, they make a very interesting couple due to the creativeness of the Sanguine personality and imagination of Phlegmatic partner. …

Can a melancholic marry a melancholic?

Melancholic men and women are naturally compatible. These couples are most likely to fall in love and marry and at the same time, they are also least likely to divorce.

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What is the phlegmatic-melancholy blend?

When the Phlegmatic and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, routine person who is concerned about doing things right. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is a natural helper and is the most consistent of all the Phlegmatic blends. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is a frequently found pattern.

What does it mean to have a phlegmatic temperament?

They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. People with phlegmatic temperaments tend to avoid conflict and always try to mediate between others to restore peace and harmony. They are very much into charity and helping others.

What is a phlegmatic-choleric personality?

The Phlegmatic-Choleric prefers to be with family or a few close friends most of the time. They have an anchored determination to follow their routine or complete a task. They are accommodating, industrious, and independent (loners). The Phlegmatic-Choleric will have a firm, stoic expression (flat affect) and will rarely smile.

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What is the sanguine-phlegmatic personality combination?

They are more relationship oriented and consistent than the other Sanguine combinations. This combination naturally relates well to others and they maintain lasting relationships. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic needs to be with people most of the time, but some of the time they need to be alone.