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Are Italians and Greeks closely related?

Are Italians and Greeks closely related?

Southern Italians are closest to the modern Greeks, while the Northern Italians are closest to the Spaniards and Southern French. Overall, the genetic differentiation between the Latins, Etruscans and the preceding proto-Villanovan population of Italy was found to be insignificant.

How many Turks are in Italy?

Italy. In 2020 there was 50,000 Turkish citizens living in Italy; however, this figure does not include naturalized Italian citizens of Turkish origin or their descendants. In addition to the diaspora, some of the population in Moena has identified as Turkish since the 17th century.

Do they have marshmallows in Italy?

Italian marshmallows are long, twisted pink and white ropes of sugary confection too sweet to substitute for their campfire counterparts in the U.S.A. You’re looking for marshmallow americani (American marshmallows), which are hiding out at national, mega grocery store chains (like IperCoop) or discount supermarkets ( …

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What do Greeks like about Italy?

Many Greeks stuyd and work in Italy and many greek people love to learn italian language. We do not understand the so called fashion fixation of the north and the north-south differences, but ok such things exist in almost every country. We like italian food and italian delicacies.

What unites the Greeks and Italians?

The popular saying “one face, one race” unites Greeks and Italians highlighting the similarities between the two peoples , even if the most appropriate combination would probably be the one between the Greece and the South of Italy (because of History and climate).

What do you love the most about Italy?

What I love about Italy is that Romans took the Greek civilization and they did not just stop at copying it. They use it as a basis to create their own and do all the amazing things they did.

Why do Greeks like the Italian name for espresso?

Sometime, even, if something is not from Italy , we tend to name it italian, like freddo espresso. It seems more cool if it has an italian name LOL . We invented an espresso with icecubes, but we gave an italian name to it. Note , most Greeks LOVE freddo espresso. That shows how much we love you Italians 🙂