Tips and tricks

Are military guys really that busy?

Are military guys really that busy?

Granted military guys can become busy at times but for the most part they always have access to texting and/or wi-fi (depending on MOS/job). He might be busy but if he is he’ll hit you up when he isn’t.

Are military relationships hard?

Military relationships are fun, hard, interesting, challenging, and most of all, rewarding. The happy, experienced military significant others will offer you solid military relationship advice. Others may gripe about their service member like a broken record.

Why do military men rush into marriage?

The conditions of military employment also lead naturally to marriage. There’s stable employment, comprehensive family benefits, and economic mobility in an entry-level job. This policy causes people to marry earlier than they had planned to, and sometimes to people they would not otherwise have married.

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What does it mean when a guy doesn’t reply?

He might be busy — aren’t we all? — but going days on end with no reply doesn’t mean he’s just caught up at work. If he wanted to talk to you, he’d find the 60 seconds (or less) necessary to type out a quick message to let you know that even though he’s swamped, he’s thinking of you.

How to get a guy to stop asking you for things?

Without having a sense of respect for yourself, he will lose interest quickly. But if you stop doing the things for him that you once did, he might start to take notice. Try saying “no” to him next time he asks you for a favor. Does he have a good time around you? 2. Make Sure He’s Having a Good Time When He Sees You Context is everything.

What are the signs that a guy is not interested in You?

You know way more about him than he knows about you. This one is the flip side to the last warning sign – if he’s so busy talking all about himself, and shows no interest in who you are, what you like to do, or what your idea of the future looks like, this should be a real red flag.

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Is it rude for a guy to not reply to text?

Nope. He saw it and he’s still choosing not to reply. He telling you he’s not interested without actually having to say the words. It’s pretty rude and immature, yeah, but it’s telling you he’s not interested pretty loud and clear.