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Are military professionals bound by a higher moral standard?

Are military professionals bound by a higher moral standard?

At the very least, a military professional is obligated by the same moral standards as everyone else.

Why is it important to understand the standards of conduct of a soldier?

It depends on high personal standards that will earn you the trust and respect of your teammates. It gives you the courage to make the difficult choices that you will face in your career. Discipline helps you control fear.

How are members of the armed forces treated differently in the justice system?

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Additionally, the military has a separate criminal court system, and members of the armed forces are subject to prosecution under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. If a member of the military is charged with a crime, they can face prosecution by military lawyers — a process known as a court-martial.

What right do military members have?

Your military legal rights include your constitutional right to counsel. Though not detailed in Article 31, you must also be advised of your right to counsel as well. The accused servicemember also has the right to have civilian military counsel present during any questioning, at the servicemembers own expense.

Why should we respect our army and police force?

Army and police forces are fighting forces that fights on land. Army risk their life for fighting for us, for our nation. Army are at borders with extremes of temperature, away from their family. Hence police and army should always be respected.

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What is the importance of Armed Forces of the Philippines code of ethics?

Its mission is to “enhance professionalism, promote honesty and integrity in the military service, instill ethical standards and inculcate a strong sense of public accountability among military and civilian personnel in the pursuit of a common commitment against graft and corruption in the AFP.”

What is the moral tradition of the military?

This moral tradition has many kinds of roots—in philosophy, theology, law, the practice of statecraft, and military codes such as chivalry. The moral principles that inform and govern the member of the profession of arms regarding war and the use of force are not inherently inconsistent with more practical military considerations.

Should the military have a wider role in society?

“Given that much of our society is pretty unstructured these days, and given that the military has the unique opportunity to educate its own into the importance of a proper moral understanding, then perhaps the military community may have a wider contribution that it can make to the nation.”

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What are the ethical principles of the just war?

The Just War ethical principles are customarily divided into two parts: jus ad bellum, which informs and governs the decision to go to war or to resort to the use of armed force; and jus in bello, which informs and governs the use of force on the battlefield.

Do young men and women coming into the Armed Forces understand values?

“In past generations, it was often assumed that young men and women coming into the armed forces would have absorbed an understanding of the core values and standards of behaviour required by the military from their family or from within their wider community,” he will say. Such a presumption, he adds, cannot be made now.