
Are muggles more intelligent than wizards?

Are muggles more intelligent than wizards?

No. But muggles aren’t more intelligent either. As a muggle, you’re judging wizards based on your standards: math and science. These fields are an inquiry into how things work in our world.

What is the wizard to Muggle ratio?

about 4,150 to 1
If the wizarding population was 15,000 then the Muggle to wizard ratio was about 4,150 to 1. This means that the current world wizarding population was roughly 1.6 to 1.7 million.

Who would win wizards vs muggles?

Even if every wizard in the world joined the wizarding armies, the muggle armies would still be larger. The wizards would have some magical tricks that would help to even the playing field, but muggles are very good at killing. Ultimately, the wizards wouldn’t stand a chance.

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What percentage of wizards are Muggle born?

20\% of witches and wizards are Muggle-born. Muggle-born inheritance of magic seems to be recessive. Muggle-borns may have non-magical siblings (Petunia). Squibs are the non-magical offspring of one or more magical parents.

Do wizards underestimate muggles?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, we see how wizards underestimate Muggles. When Fred, George, and Ron are rescuing Harry from the Dursleys, Fred says, “A lot of wizards think it’s a waste of time, knowing this sort of Muggle trick, but we feel they’re skills worth learning, even if they are a bit slow” (3).

How was the wizarding world different from the Muggle world?

The world map of the wizarding world differed from that of the Muggle world. Like wizarding Great Britain, whose borders included all of the British Isles including Ireland, not all wizarding countries corresponded directly to the borders of contemporary Muggle nations.

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What is the distribution of IQs in the world?

IQ Distribution in Population – Intelligence The IQ across the world is fairly distributed on a bell curve. 70\% of all people have an IQ from 85 to 115, the average IQ being 100, which is having the same mental and chronological age. Only about 2.5\% are either very gifted, or mentally disabled.

Are Muggles more intelligent than other races?

Muggles aren’t necessarily more intelligent in themselves, but they have a more intelligent culture. Magic is too easy, it makes people lazy because they don’t have to do research or invent machines to do what they want and most spell-casting seems to be fairly simple.

How many wizards are there in the UK?

And if there are 700 in a school then you can multiply it by 20 to get 2100 wizards in Britain, so that would be one Wizard for every 27,000 Muggles. simplify the math- if there are 100 per year and a lifespan of 137 years that would be 13700 wizards and witches.