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Are new Pokemon games too easy?

Are new Pokémon games too easy?

While it is can sometimes feel like newer Pokémon games are much easier than dated generations, there are numerous challenges that have been introduced to the game that not only add new difficulty levels but require attention to detail that may not have been present in older titles.

Why do Pokémon games keep getting easier?

“Rather than any actual feedback from players, it’s more accepting the realities of modern life,” Junichi Masuda says. Part of the reason why Pokemon games are becoming more inviting is because they must compete against a raft of other products, many of which are given away for free on smartphones.

Is Pokémon supposed to be hard?

Although Pokémon has built a reputation for its easy difficulty, previous Generations actually made it a point to offer a serious challenge. The fact of the matter is that Pokémon is simply not a challenging franchise. Believe it or not, there once was a time Pokémon actually expected trainers to exert some effort.

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Why does Pokémon always release two games?

The stated goal of this is to encourage people to play with their friends and trade Pokemon. The intent was to make it impossible to complete your PokeDex with a single game, so you would have to trade Pokemon with a friend who had the other version in order to get a complete collection.

Which Pokémon games are the most fun?

Which Pokemon game is the most fun? Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum or Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are the most fun Pokemon games in our opinion. Double battles, cool Legendary Pokemon, new Pokemon evolutions, and deep post-game content all factor into our decision.

What is the hardest Pokémon to catch?

The 15 Hardest Pokemon To Catch, According To Catch Rate

  • 8 Zapdos.
  • 7 Moltres.
  • 6 Lugia.
  • 5 Ho-Oh.
  • 4 Raikou.
  • 3 Entei.
  • 2 Suicune.
  • 1 Mewtwo.