
Are opossums smarter than dogs?

Are opossums smarter than dogs?

Opossum intelligence? Yes, despite their undeserved reputation for stupidity and a brain that is only one-fifth the size of a cat’s, opossums are better at remembering where food is hidden than are dogs, cats, or rats.

Are opossums smarter than cats?

In one study, scientists tested opossums’ ability to remember where food had been hidden, and they scored even higher than cats, rats, dogs, and rabbits. In another study, opossums demonstrated that they can solve maze puzzles faster than cats and rats.

Are possums friendly?

Solution: In general, opossums are docile, non-aggressive animals and will not attack your pets. They prefer to avoid confrontations. If escape is not possible then the threatened opossum may “play ‘possum”, show its teeth, or bite in self-defense, as any animal would.

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Do possums approach you?

Possums don’t deliberately attack. They are very docile. They usually only attack as a last resort, if they are being attacked themselves. In some rare cases, possums might attack humans or pets.

How dumb are possums?

Opossums “seem dumb,” and they “seem dangerous.” We have to use “seem” with opossums because we know so little about them. But opossums are moderately to highly intelligent, ranking above domestic dogs on task tests. They are believed to be about as intelligent as pigs.

Are opossums gross?

If you live in North America, you’ve probably seen a Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Secondly, sure, opossums aren’t winning any beauty contests, but they’re not gross – even if they wouldn’t mind taking that moldy pad thai from the back of your refrigerator off your hands.

Can you wake up a possum?

It is a completely involuntary reaction to the extreme stress they experience when in danger. They can’t simply wake up out of this comatose state whenever danger has passed either. They are basically stuck like that for as long as their body remains in that state.

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What are the good things about possums?

Opossums need a wide variety of foods to stay healthy, including fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked lean meats, boiled eggs, and small insects such as crickets. While opossums can be trained to tolerate humans or even to enjoy their company, they are still wild animals and may be unpredictable.

Do cats kill opossums?

In theory, a possum can kill a house cat. But it is extremely rare. In fact, cats, both stray cats and even pet cats, kill a far larger number of opossums, especially the young opossums, which aren’t much different in size or appearance than a rat! Of course cats kill opossums.

Why are possums good to have around?

Snakes are an important control on the rodent population, after all. Possums are just one of the natural controls of the snake population. They also clean up a large portion of the carrion found in populated areas, i.e. dead birds and other similar-sized animals. They are fascinating little animals.

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How do you trap a possum?

Place the trap in the area the possum frequents. The best location for the trap is near the possum’s den. However, if you don’t know where the possum’s den is, then place the trap in the area where you have noticed the most activity or damage, like near garbage cans.