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Are Persian cats aggressive?

Are Persian cats aggressive?

Persian cats are not considered to be an aggressive breed. They are quite laid back and lazy. However, all kittens (and puppies) will bite. Some people have suggested ignoring your cat for 10mins as a form of punishment as Persians tend to crave attention.

Why are Persian cats so angry?

The Persian’s angry expression is a result from having a mouth that looks like it is set into a frown. This, along with a squashed face, is enough to make them look angry, and it’s the result of breeding to produce an increasingly short face – the same breeding that created the Persian cat in the first place.

Why is my Persian cat not friendly?

Some Persian cats aren’t brought up around many people so they’re not used to people being around them, as a result they may not be very friendly upon meeting a stranger. The Persian cat isn’t any less friendly than any other breed of cat and personalities vary vastly amongst animals.

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Why do Persian cats growl?

Some cats can be food or toy aggressive and growl to show possession. If a cat is annoyed from physical contact, he or she may growl.”

How do you discipline a Persian cat?

Instead, use toys to play with your Persian, Dr. Houpt says. “It’s fine to let them play fight with a toy, but not with your hands,” she says. “If they start biting or scratching your hand, just try to hold still, and then stop playing with them so their punishment is five minutes of no attention.

What kind of cat looks mad?

But Peke-face Persian cats look permanently angry, because of the way their mouths sit, in what could be called a frown. In fact, the internet famous “Grumpy Cat,” who is featured in many memes and gifs as hating everything and being angry with the world, is thought to have some Persian in his blood.

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What breed is angry cat?

Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat at VidCon 2014
Other name(s) Tardar Sauce
Species Felis catus
Breed Mixed
Sex Female