
Are RA meetings actually mandatory?

Are RA meetings actually mandatory?

First floor meetings are usually made mandatory by Residential Directors so students understand the policies and are aware of what is expected of them as residents of that particular residence hall. Advertising that food will be at the meeting might help attendance.

What is a floor meeting in college?

Floor meetings are a great time to connect with residents and to pass along information. Best RAs meet with their floor at least once a block to address concerns, discuss upcoming campus events, and to offer time for socializing and engagement. Meeting just to meet takes away from the effectiveness of the interaction.

What is not allowed in college dorms?

Banned Electronics in College Dorms String lights, such as miniature Christmas lights. Extension cords. Cooking appliances, such as hot plates and toaster ovens. Air conditioners or space heaters.

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Can RAs date their residents?

A new Office of Residential Life and Learning (ResLife) rule will prohibit Resident Assistants (RAs) from dating residents from the residence halls for which they are responsible starting next year.

Can you cook in a dorm room?

Kitchens and College Dorms College dorms, on average, do not have a kitchen within individual dorm rooms. In newer or renovated dorms, you may find that a communal kitchen is available for use. These usually contain appliances such as a large fridge, stove, oven and microwave.

Can you put a TV in a dorm room?

Televisions. There’s little point in bringing a bulky TV to a small dorm room, especially one with limited shelf space. “The big clunky TVs are a thing of the past,” said Luse, who recommended leaving behind any electronics whose functions can be done on a laptop or smartphone.

Can RA be friends with residents?

You won’t automatically become BFFs with the other RAs. Not everyone is going to be best friends. But even if you don’t get along with someone, you have to put aside your personal feelings and establish some sort of connection with every RA so you know you can go to them if something happens with a resident.

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How hard is being an RA?

Working as an RA is a serious time commitment. Typically you’ll have to do rounds a few nights a week. Another factor to consider, as an RA you’ll be living where you work, which could make it difficult to maintain a life work balance. You’ll be on-call during nights, weekends, and sometimes holidays.

Are there stoves in college dorms?

Do college students have a right to privacy in their dorms?

But you are in college now, and you do have a recognized constitutional right to privacy in your dorm room. Here is how it works: 1. Police Searches. For purposes of a search by the police, college students have the same right to privacy as they would in a private apartment.

How do I report a problem with my dorm room?

Most university housing departments have a system in place for reporting problems with your dorm room. You can refer to your university’s website to find more information about how to report a problem with your housing. When it comes to student housing laws and privacy rights, students get the short end of the stick.

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What should I tell my college advisor when I first meet?

So when you meet with them for the first time, tell them about yourself. Tell them your passions, your career aspirations, what you’re interested in studying. The more they know about you, the better equipped they will be to aid you. Many colleges have a mandatory meeting for freshmen and their first-year advisors.

What is the maximum number of candidates per examination room?

Enhanced SMMs such as a spacing of at least 3 metres between candidates and a cap of 10 candidates per examination room will also be applied to this group of candidates.