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Are space missions a waste of resources for a country like India?

Are space missions a waste of resources for a country like India?

India is not wasting money but making a massive investment. This investment has paid off as the Indian Space Research Organisation, or Isro, has had many countries hiring its facilities to launch their own satellites. Hence, there is no way that expenditure on space missions can be regarded as “wasting” money.

Are space missions economically beneficial for India Gd?

Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India – Group Discussion.

Why space is a waste?

All space junk is the result of us launching objects from Earth, and it remains in orbit until it re-enters the atmosphere. Some space junk results from collisions or anti-satellite tests in orbit. When two satellites collide, they can smash apart into thousands of new pieces, creating lots of new debris.

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Is the international space station a waste of money?

Today, the cost of the ISS has risen to $100bn and counting. It sucks almost $2bn from Nasa’s budget every year, essentially to stay mothballed in low Earth orbit.

Why funding space exploration is important?

Space spending pays off We get the same kind of payoff for space spending in other countries. Spending on space supports highly skilled jobs, fuels technology advancements with practical applications, and creates business opportunities that feed back into the economy.

How much money does India spend on ISRO?

Bengaluru: The government has allocated Rs 13,479 crore for the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) for the next financial year. While revenue for the Department of Space is estimated at a little more than Rs 5,704 crore, the government has proposed a capital allocation of nearly Rs 7,775 crore in the budget.

How much money does India spend on space exploration?

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India has decided to boost the budget of its space program by 46 percent. Union Minister of State for Atomic Energy and Space Dr. Jitendra Singh yesterday told India’s Parliament that the budget for 2021-22 was increased to ₹13,949 Crore (US$1.9bn) up from the previous ₹9500.

Is space exploration a waste of money for India?

The money earned from this is a massive contributor to the national income. Space exploration simply reveals India’s supremacy in the field and thereby draws even more foreign customers. Hence, there is no way that expenditure on space missions can be regarded as “wasting” money.

Should we stop wasting money on space missions?

Instead of wasting money on overambitious space missions, we should concentrate on things more essential to improving the standard of living. India is facing issues that are of more concern than space missions, such as collapsing buildings or rapes every other day, but these don’t seem to bother the Indian government.

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Why does India have so many nuclear weapons?

Its economy is growing rapidly and its military is one of the largest in the world, with over a million soldiers. India sees its nuclear weapons capacity to be an integral part of its vision as a great power, and its nuclear program is important for both its prestige and security doctrine.

Is India wasting money on science and Technology?

If human resources improve, science and technology will improve on its own. India is not wasting money but making a massive investment. This investment has paid off as the Indian Space Research Organisation, or Isro, has had many countries hiring its facilities to launch their own satellites.