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Are the Midichlorians canon?

Are the Midichlorians canon?

This idea went unused for decades, with midi-chlorians finally appearing in canon in 1999’s Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. He was astounded to learn that Anakin had a midi-chlorian count higher than any Jedi, even higher than Master Yoda.

What was Yoda’s Midichlorian count?

From simple google searches you can find that Yoda’s midi count was 18,000 per cell, Obi-wan’s was 15,000, Palpatine’s is said to be higher that Yoda’s around 18,500-19,000, and the highest known was Anakin Skywalker’s at 20,000 midis per cell.

Do Midichlorians exist in real life?

Of course, they were named after the Star Wars invention. In 2006, a lab in Milan, Italy, discovered a new type of bacteria that lives inside the mitochondrial organelles of ticks — a new depth of symbiosis never observed before. So, yes, midichlorians are indeed bacteria. Technically.

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Did Disney Retcon Midichlorians?

The Midi-chlorians aren’t retconned, per se — and the little organisms themselves are retcons, coming more than 20 years after Lucas introduced the concept of the Force in 1977 — but it’s clear The Last Jedi isn’t interested in exploring blood counts, siding with the understanding of the Force offered in the Original …

Did Padme have Midichlorians?

George Lucas REVEALS Padme Had MORE MIDICHLORIANS THAN ANAKIN AND YODA – Star Wars Explained. In the art of revenge of the Sith – George Lucas’ top concept artist McCaig reveals that Padme had the most midichlorians of anyone in Star Wars – including Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda and Palpatine.

What was Luke’s Midichlorian count?

Anakin’s midi chlorian count is 20000. palpatine has 19000. luke has 15000. still he is the most powerful star wars character ever.

How many Midichlorians did Obi Wan Kenobi have?

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Midi-chlorian count is around 13,000, Yoda’s clocks in at 17,700, and Darth Sidious is estimated to be about 20,000. Anakin Skywalker is said to have had the largest Midi-chlorian count in Jedi history, which is around 28,000 to 30,000, with George Lucas insinuating it could be as high as 40,000.

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Are the midichlorians still canon in Star Wars?

There is another reference to midichlorians in the movies, in Ep. III. Namely the infamous “Legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise”, in which Palpatine directly states “he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life….” They are absolutely still canon. Everything in all the movies remains canon.

What do midichlorians mean in canon?

But, what exactly midichlorians mean is very limited in canon. The only reference to midichlorians in the movies is the brief conversations between Qui Gon Jinn and Obiwan/Anakin. What we learn from those conversations: Midichlorians are microscopic life forms that exist within cells.

What are midichlorians and what do they mean?

What we learn from those conversations: Midichlorians are microscopic life forms that exist within cells. Midichlorians are somehow involved in how “we” (read: intelligent beings in the Star Wars universe) become aware of the living Force. High counts of midichlorians means Force shenanigans are afoot.

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What is the origin of the midi-chlorians in Star Wars?

As recorded in Star Wars: The Making of Episode I The Phantom Menace, the midi-chlorians were incorporated into the film’s story in the second screenplay draft, finished around 1995. The midi-chlorians were inspired by mitochondria.