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Are there people who never learn to drive?

Are there people who never learn to drive?

Two thirds (69\%) said they regret never learning to drive, and 40\% don’t think they’ll ever learn. Nearly a quarter (23\%) of women claimed the main reason they never learnt to drive was that they’re scared of other drivers, while just 10\% of men said the same.

What percentage of adults learn to drive?

89\% of all American adults have a driver’s license. That includes everyone 25 years old and older.

Can you learn to drive late in life?

Learning to drive later on in life is possible for just about anybody. It’s never too late to learn something new, and a simple change in mindset is often all it takes to begin.

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Can older people learn to drive?

In a lot of ways, learning to drive at an older age can be just as easy and hold some extra benefits. The highest percentage of driving test pass rates are among 17-year-olds and these generally fall as learners get older.

Can you learn to drive at 50?

While it’s true statistically that you’re less likely to pass your driving test first time as an older driver, the figures also show that there’s not much difference in the pass rate between the ages of 30 and 50.

Are people judging you without a driver’s license?

No, it’s not that thing that happened in the parking lot behind the Costco that one time in high school, it’s that you don’t have a driver’s license. But actually, not driving is becoming increasingly common (15.3 percent of Americans aged 18-39 get by without a license these days). Still, plenty of driving folks be judging us, for no good reason.

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How common is it to not have a driving license?

But actually, not driving is becoming increasingly common (15.3 percent of Americans aged 18-39 get by without a license these days). Still, plenty of driving folks be judging us, for no good reason.

Is the Open Road better off with you or Without You?

Either way, the open road is better off without you on it. You’re a biker, or a skateboarder, or that jerk who’s always knocking people over on the sidewalk with your Razor scooter. Whatever form of forward motion you’ve chosen to employ, you’re good at using it to get you where you need to go.