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Are Vizslas good with families?

Are Vizslas good with families?

They are also a good family dog if you are looking for companionship. Vizslas don’t like being left along for long periods of time and are much happier hanging out with the family inside and outside the home. They aren’t really suited to living outdoors as their coat is very short and thin.

Is a Vizsla an aggressive breed?

This breed is not known to be aggressive, although as with any breed, it differ on a dog to dog basis. Vizslas generally are not alphas and will not try to dominate other dogs or people, but their smarts give them a tendency to test the boundaries of what they can get away with.

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What is the average lifespan of a Vizsla?

12 – 15 yearsVizsla / Life span

How old is the oldest Vizsla?

The oldest recorded Vizsla lived to nearly 21 years!

What health problems do Vizsla have?

The Vizsla, which has a lifespan of 10 to 14 years, may suffer from hypothyroidism, dwarfism, persistent right aortic arch, tricuspid valve dysplasia, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). It is also prone to minor health concerns like lymphosarcoma and canine hip dysplasia, or major issues such as epilepsy.

What age can you run with a Vizsla?

Some Vizsla owners have chosen the Breed because they enjoy running and so wish to run when training for fun or serious races. If you follow the advice above starting slowly and building up gradually by the time your puppy is 10/12 months you will be able to cover fairly good distances.

How long until Vizsla is fully grown?

around 6 to 8 months
Vizslas generally mature at 1 or 2 years, although they reach their full size around 6 to 8 months. The vizsla coat is short, smooth and dense with no undercoat.

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What is Vizsla lifespan?

Are Vizslas good with young children?

Vizslas are wonderful with young children. Our twin infant grandchildren love not only our vizsla, but their own as well. BUT as with any dog and young child always stay near them. While a dog- whether vizsla or any other breed- may be friendly, a accidents can happen.

What is the temperament of a Vizsla dog?

Vizsla Temperament: What’s Good About ‘Em, What’s Bad About ‘Em. Providing enough exercise. Vizslas are athletic dogs who need regular opportunities to vent their energy and gallop. Otherwise they will become rambunctious and bored, which dogs usually express by barking and destructive chewing.

Do Vizslas like to be left alone?

More than most other breeds, Vizslas need a great deal of companionship and do not like being left alone for more than a few hours. They tend to express their unhappiness through destructive chewing and barking. Providing enough socialization.

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What kind of health problems does a Vizsla have?

Epileptic seizures are a major inherited problem in Vizslas. Also occurring are hip and eye disorders, bleeding disorders, skin diseases, and cancer. Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers.